ava ʔa³³va³³n.father's or mother's younger male friends叔叔/shūshu/Ngo ava ae capor halmel bir ngabbor leil ye. 我叫 "ava" 的那些男人比我爸爸小。The men I call "ava" are younger than my father.1. /ava/ becomes /-va/ following /yar-/, /nia-/ or /nga-/./ava/ 变为 /-va/,跟在 /yar-/, /nia-/ 或 /nga-/ 之后。/ngabbor/ is the combination of /nga-/ and /arbbor/./ngabbor/ 是 /nga-/ 和 /arbbor/ 的组合词。This is a term of address children use for men younger than their mother or father but not a relation.孩童用这个字叫比自己父母年轻,而没有亲戚关系的男人。可以用为对人的称呼。ava ʔa³³va³³

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