xiuʃʲo³³🔊v.plant; scatter; sow/sǎ/Cei caer teixl ho a mel, mi mel gga so xiu nia a.割了谷子以后田里要撒小麦了。After the rice is harvested, in the fields wheat must be sown.Ngo almeixr zzor a, fa nr saexl a, baxlaxr ddei ddaexrhex a, yel middurbbor leil almeixr xiu bbi jjia a.我吃饭不小心把碗打翻了,撒了一地的饭。When I was eating, (I) was not careful, (and) knocked the bowl over, so the rice was scattered all over the floor.Yix zzo zol a mel, middur leil xiu dol gger.喂鸡食,是撒在地上。When feeding the chickens food, (the food) is scattered on the ground.xiuʃʲo³³

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