sixrjiuxrsɿ̟²¹tʃʲo̠ʔ²¹🔊n.foundation石脚/shíjiǎo/ Yaa xi zi niazzir dae a, yel sixrjiuxr xiax zaxr. 他家要盖房子,所以先做石脚(根基)。They wanted to build a house, so (they) first lay the foundation.The /dixlji/ is the foundation that goes under the home including all the rooms as well as the outside walls. The /sixrjiuxr/ is a more simple foundation that just goes under the outside walls of a structure.Compare 另见dixljisixrjiuxr xiax susixrjiuxr sɿ̟²¹tʃʲo̠ʔ²¹

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