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noni teixl leino³³ni³³ tʰe̠⁶⁶ ɮe³³🔊v.recognize something by sound听出来/tīng chū lái/Aniux hal ddox yarma leil ae du lei a qie, yarma dder yar leil noni teixl lei a. 那个孩子一叫他妈妈,他妈妈就听出来他了。When that child called out to his/her mom, his/her mom recognized him/her (by the sound of the voice)./yarma/ is the combination of /yar-/ and /ama/./yarma/ 是 /yar-/ 和 /ama/ 的组合词。Compare 另见i teixl leinonino qixl lei no³³ tʃʰi̞⁶⁶ ɮe³³
noni wo xieno³³ni³³ wo³³ ʃʲɛ³³🔊v.understand听懂/tīngdǒng/ Ssormaer sulmusu hal ddei yarzi mul seir, yel arni yar mul dae maelmaerjjia lei ngo noni wo xie. 那个女老师教的很好,所以昨天她教的全部我都听懂了。That lady teacher teaches very well, so yesterday I understood everything she taught.nomae gexl no³³mæ³³ kɯ̠⁶⁶
nono-coco no³³no³³-tsʰo³³tsʰo³³n.illness; sickness̄/bìng/Ni nono-coco zza a mel, no i ggie i ssi nia. 你有病,要去医院看。If you have an illness, (you) should go to the hospital.Compare 另见nonoconoddexrno ggienono-coco no³³no³³-tsʰo³³tsʰo³³
nopae no³³-pʰæ³³v.leprosy麻风病/máfēngbìng/Yar nopae a. 他得了麻风病。S/he has leprosy.Nopaesu mel kebal ca mel le-nr-sel, zzi mel piulpiumo. 麻风病人不像其他人,皮白白的。People with leprosy are different from other people, (their) skin is white.Compare 另见no ggienopae no³³-pʰæ³³
norno²¹🔊adj.soft; tender/nèn/Hor vae a mel, nornor mel sael vae nia; nrnga a zzor-nr-ci. 买肉要买嫩嫩的,要不然不好吃。When buying meat, (you) should buy tender (meat), otherwise it does not taste good.Var mel zeixl nor a; ni nialngasael ake almeixr zzor jjixr lei ddo a! 菜煮软了,你赶快回家吃饭吧!The vegetables have been boiled (so they are) soft, quickly return home to eat!The word /nor/ is used for 'tender' or 'soft' food. When using the words /norlix/, /norbbe/ or /arssor/ it also means 'gently' and refers to the way someone speaks to another person. These words are also used for 'tender hearted'. /norbbe/ is also used for non-food items that are soft--like a soft mattress. When referring to doing something gently in contrast to speaking gentle words, the words /qiur/ (qiulqiur) or /arssor/ are used./nor/ 这个字是用於‘嫩的’或‘柔软的’食物。、/norlix/, /norbbe/ 或 /arssor/ 这些字有‘慈祥的;温柔的’之意思,用在一个人对另一个人说话的语气与态度。也可用作‘心肠温柔的’‘慈善的’;甚至可以用来形容‘嫩的肉’。/norbbe/ 也可用於非食物的东西,譬如柔软的床垫。当用在做某些温柔的动作而不是说话温柔,就要用 /qiur/ (qiulqiur) 或 /arssor/。Compare 另见koxltor nornorbbenorlixqiurnur nɤ²¹
norno²¹🔊DISC话语(word expressing irritation)(话语[生气的感觉])(huàyǔ [shēngqì de gǎnjué])Zzaexpor te ngo ddei zzirbae ker si a nor! 小偷,偷了我的钱。A thief stole my money!Ni arsaenga a nge? Yar ngo leil deil a nor! 你为什么哭?他打我!Why are you crying? S/he hit me!It was reported that this word is not used in the village of ZhangJia.据说张家村那里不用此字。
norno²¹🔊1v.stop/tíng/Ngo ssi le a nor dae a, arleixr wornol. 我走累了,停着,休息一下。I was tired of walking, (so I) stopped and rested a bit.Xilmeir almer er a, ngo gexr zildu a; eilcar saelnei ardoxr gexr nor. 刚才打雷我害怕极了,现在才解除了一点。Before (when) it thundered, and I was very afraid; only now have I somewhat stopped being afraid.2land; perchSixzzei hal cu leil ngax ar ddei nor dae. 那棵树上停着一只小鸟。On that tree is perched a bird.Compare 另见nor zeinr nor anor no²¹
norbbeno²¹-bɯ³³🔊1adv.gently温柔/wēnróu/Ssormaer hal ddei mel, ddar te a, yarzi te norbbe. 那个女人说话很温柔。When that girl talks, (she) talks very gently.2adj.soft/ruǎn/Yar ddei yixrgguci bul naxrcixl a, yixr dae lei norbbe. 他的床很好睡着也软。His/her bed is a good quality (bed), (it is) soft when sleeping. Aniux bexlelte xiu teixl lei a ngaseir halmel ddei horneixr mel, yarzi norbbe. 刚刚生出来那些孩子的皮肤很软。Babies, when they are just born, their bodies are very soft.Yar mirho bei teixl lei pia ar xiux zza a, norbbebbemo veixr dae a yarzi sosar. 她有件绵做的衣服穿着软软的很舒服。S/he has a suit of clothes made out of cotton, wearing (those) soft (clothes) is very comfortable.The word /nor/ is used for 'tender' or 'soft' food. When using the words /norlix/, /norbbe/ or /arssor/ it also means 'gently' and refers to the way someone speaks to another person. These words are also used for 'tender hearted'. /norbbe/ is also used for non-food items that are soft--like a soft mattress. When referring to doing something gently in contrast to speaking gentle words, the words /qiur/ (qiulqiur) or /arssor/ are used./nor/ 这个字是用於‘嫩的’或‘柔软的’食物。、/norlix/, /norbbe/ 或 /arssor/ 这些字有‘慈祥的;温柔的’之意思,用在一个人对另一个人说话的语气与态度。也可用作‘心肠温柔的’‘慈善的’;甚至可以用来形容‘嫩的肉’。/norbbe/ 也可用於非食物的东西,譬如柔软的床垫。当用在做某些温柔的动作而不是说话温柔,就要用 /qiur/ (qiulqiur) 或 /arssor/。Compare 另见arssornornorlixqiurnurbbe nɤ²¹-bɯ³³
norlixno²¹ɮi̠⁴⁴🔊adv.gently温柔/wēnróu/Ssormaer mel ddar te a, bir capor leil norlix. 女人说话比男人温柔。When women speak, (they speak) more gently than men. The word /nor/ is used for 'tender' or 'soft' food. When using the words /norlix/, /norbbe/ or /arssor/ it also means 'gently' and refers to the way someone speaks to another person. These words are also used for 'tender hearted'. /norbbe/ is also used for non-food items that are soft--like a soft mattress. When referring to doing something gently in contrast to speaking gentle words, the words /qiur/ (qiulqiur) or /arssor/ are used./nor/ 这个字是用於‘嫩的’或‘柔软的’食物。、/norlix/, /norbbe/ 或 /arssor/ 这些字有‘慈祥的;温柔的’之意思,用在一个人对另一个人说话的语气与态度。也可用作‘心肠温柔的’‘慈善的’;甚至可以用来形容‘嫩的肉’。/norbbe/ 也可用於非食物的东西,譬如柔软的床垫。当用在做某些温柔的动作而不是说话温柔,就要用 /qiur/ (qiulqiur) 或 /arssor/。Compare 另见arssornornorbbeqiurnuryix nɤ²¹ʝi̠⁴⁴
nor zei no²¹ tse³³v.put down放下/fàngxià/Yar six bber ssi a, ggucirmi bber xixl ci a dder nor zei dae a. 他去背柴,背到家门口就放下了。S/he went to carry firewood on his/her back, (and) s/he carried (it) back to the gate (and) put (it) down.Compare 另见nornor zei no²¹ tse³³
noxno̠⁴⁴🔊n.bean; pea/dòu/Ngua mermi mel nox hormo yoxr lei dae teixl lei ddo. 我们地方可以种出好几种豆。Where we are from many kinds of beans are planted.Compare 另见noxnibaexnoxnibaexsonox no̠⁴⁴
noxbeinoxno̠⁴⁴-pe³³no̠⁴⁴🔊n.bean curd; tofu豆腐/dòufu/Vae si lei noxbeinox mel armael bei teixl lei mel sael nr xiu. 买来的豆腐没有自己做的那么香。Bought bean curd is not as good to eat as homemade (bean curd).The /xiu/ in the example comes from /xiuzix/ 'fragrant, sweet smelling'Compare 另见noxnibaexnoxdderfu no̠⁴⁴-də²¹fɤ³³
noxgexdaexno̠⁴⁴-kɯ̠⁴⁴tæ̠⁴⁴🔊n.broadbean干蚕豆/gàn cándòu/Noxnibaex mel hie ho a dder noxgexdaex loxr a. 青蚕豆干了就成干蚕豆了。When the greenbean is dry it becomes (what we call) the broadbean.Compare 另见noxnibaex
noxhiedder no̠⁴⁴-xʲɛ³³də²¹
noxlbbex no̠⁶⁶bɯ̠⁴⁴n.nose鼻子/bízi/Aniux mel zilmodono a, noxlbbex yarzi yox. 小孩感冒,很流鼻涕。When children have a cold, (they) have a very runny nose.noxlbbex ~ nexlbbex.Compare 另见nexlbbexnoxlbbexsirnoxlbbexsunoxlbbex no̠⁶⁶bɯ̠⁴⁴
noxlbbexsir no̠⁶⁶bɯ̠⁴⁴sɿ²¹1n.mucus; snot粘液/niányè/Noxlbbexsir ddux a mel, noxlbbexsu ddaexrcir nia. 流鼻血的话,要堵鼻孔。If (your) nose is running (mucus is coming out), (the) nostril needs to be plugged (up).2nosebleed鼻血/bíxiě/Aniuxssor cirmelmel a zoxlzoxl a noxlbbexsir ddux he. 有一些小孩子经常容易流鼻血。Some kids tend to have lots of nosebleeds.Compare 另见noxlbbexnoxlbbexsunoxlbbixsir no̠⁶⁶bi̠⁴⁴sɿ²¹
noxlbbexsuno̠⁶⁶bɯ̠⁴⁴sʮ³³n.nostril鼻孔/bíkǒng/Noxlbbexsir ddux a mel, noxlbbexsu ddaexrcir nia. 流鼻血的话,要堵鼻孔。If (your) nose is running, (the) nostril needs to be plugged (up).Compare 另见noxlbbexnoxlbbexsirnoxlbbexxu no̠⁶⁶bɯ̠⁴⁴ʃy³³
noxnibaexno̠⁴⁴-ni³³pæ̠⁴⁴🔊n.greenbean蚕豆/cándòu/Noxgexdaex mel nr hie seir, nibaexbaex seir car a, noxnibaex lei bbeix. 蚕豆还没干,青的那个时候,也可以叫做 "noxnibaex"。When the broadbean is not yet dry, while it is still green, (we) also call it 'greenbean'.Compare 另见noxnoxnoxbeinoxnoxgexdaexnoxsaemonoxvar
noxnibaex no̠⁴⁴-ni³³pæ̠⁴⁴
noxnilni no̠⁴⁴ni⁵⁵ni³³n.lentil; red lentil红扁豆/hóng biǎndòu/Noxnilni mel lei noxzzae zzae cexr. 红扁豆也可以发豆芽。Red lentils can sprout bean sprouts.noxni no̠⁴⁴ni³³
noxrno̠ʔ²¹🔊adj.fine/xì/Ni veixr zzo tox a, yarzi tox noxr. 你剁猪食,剁的很细。When you chop up the pig food, (you) chop it very fine.This "fine" is in the sense of very small particles; finely chopped up.Compare 另见menolnoxrnoxrssissime mɯ³³
noxrlixr no̠ʔ²¹ɮi̠ʔ²¹n.lunar calendar农历/nónglì/Gulsixl goxr a mel, noxrlixr ddei leil zox a goxr. 过春节是照着农历过的。When celebrating the Spring Festival, it is according to the lunar calendar.loan借词noxrlixr no̠²¹ɮi̠ʔ²¹
noxrssissi no̠ʔ²¹zɿ³³zɿ³³adj.fine/xì/Eilboxl ngua some gga si lei mel noxrssissimo, aba bei lel seir ddo. 这次我们推的面粉细细的,做面包吃,很好。Now the ground flour is very fine, so the bread is easy to make to eat.Compare 另见nolnoxrnoxrniaxrssissi nʲa̠ʔ²¹zɿ³³zɿ³³
noxsaemono̠³³-sæ³³mo³³🔊n.soybean黄豆/huāngdòu/Noxsaemo mel mel yelyemo; yargel ddei leil nael me ner dae. 黄豆是小小的;壳上长了毛。Soybeans are small, (and) on the pod grows fuzz.Compare 另见noxnibaex
noxsaemo no̠³³-sæ³³mo³³
noxvarno̠⁴⁴-va²¹🔊n.pea豌豆/wāndòu/Noxvar mel lei yelyemo, valilimo, nael yargel ddei leil me nr ner. 豌豆也是小小的圆圆的,但是壳上不长毛。Peas are all small, (and) round, but (unlike the soybean) the pod does not grow fuzz.Compare 另见noxnibaex
noxvar no̠⁴⁴-va²¹
noxzzae no̠⁴⁴dzɛ³³n.bean sprout豆芽/dòuyá/Noxzzae zzae a mel, cirni-cirni ajjix her nia. 发豆芽每天都要浇水。When the beensprout sprouts, it has to be watered every day.noxzzae no̠⁴⁴dzɛ³³
nrn̩²¹🔊1num.two两; 二/liǎng/; /èr/Eil xiubbo mel yarma no dae a, yel yar ake nr boxl jjixr a. 这个月他妈妈生病了,所以他回了两次家。This month his/her mother was sick, so s/he returned home two times./yarma/ is the combination of /yar-/ and /ama/./yarma/ 是 /yar-/ 和 /ama/ 的组合词。2adj.second第二/dì èr/Yar Chuxiong lei ci nr ni cir ni dder ngo yar leil zo wo a. 他来到楚雄第二天那天我就找到他了。On the second day s/he came to Chuxiong I found him/her.Compare 另见nrnelnrnelsaelnrdder n̩²¹-də²¹






