dax ta̠⁴⁴1POST POS后置词from/cóng/Ngua dax cirdae a yaa dax ssi ci a mel, cir ni nga nia. 从我家走到她家需要一天的时间。Going from our place to their place, is one day (of travel).Zzor labox hal ddei zzorci a mel, ni yar dax hanol ardoxr li nia. 那个吃的东西好吃,你要跟她多要一点。(Since) that food is delicious, you should get a lot from him/her.2to/dào/Almer lei a, ngo xi hal giex dax pahher dae. 下雨了,我到那间房子那里躲着。(When) it rained, I went to that house to hide (from the rain).3together; with/gēn/Ngo ca hal ddei dax cirter a ake jjixr. 我跟那个人一起回家。I return home with that person.Camar mel mar ho a, yar ddei aniux mel dax hher dax nia. 老人老了要跟他的孩子在一起。After an old person gets old, (s/he) must go to his/her son to live together with (him).Jiuxrhua mel lor dax zix dax cexr. 菊花可以跟茶放在一起。The Chrysanthemum can be steeped together with tea.When the POST POS /dax/ follows a noun (phrase) the gloss isː 'with'. When it follows a verb, the gloss isː 'together'. So it would be: /Ni ngo dax cirgo a ssi ngo./ (2SG 1SG with together go) 'Go with me.' Or, /Ni ngo dax cirgo a almeixr zzor dax ssi ngo./ 'Go with me (so we can) eat together.'/dax/ 跟 – 后置词 /dax/ 是跟在名词或名词片语后面,若有两个动词,就跟在第一个动词后面。如同:/Ni ngo dax cirgo a ssi ngo./ (第二人称单数 第一人称单数 跟 同 走)‘跟我一起走’。或: /Ni ngo dax cirgo almeixr zzor dax ssi ngo./ ( 第二人称单数 第一人称单数 跟 同 食物 吃 和 走)‘跟我一起去吃’。dax ta̠⁴⁴

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