yojiarʝo³³tʃʲa²¹🔊adj.bad condition; inferior; low quality不好/bù hǎo/Cixlni almer lei doxr a, ngua ddei so mel yarzisael yojiar.今年一直下雨,(所以)我们家的小麦非常不好。This year it continually rained, (so) our wheat is in terrible condition.Yar ca yojiar a nga, yel arseir lei yar leil i-nr-du.他只是下等人,所以谁都看不起他。S/he is a bad person, so nobody respects him/her.Yar miar bei a yarzi sulku a, ca ddei lei hormo bei yojiar a.他干活很辛苦,人都苦瘦了很多。S/he worked very hard, so the person was in very bad condition.This word /yojiar/ can refer to people or animals or things.yujiarʝy³³tʃʲa²¹

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