meime³³🔊DISC话语(word used when upset about something)(话语[不高兴])(huàyǔ [bù gāoxìng])Sulzzaggie ssi car a, yar ngo dax ddar cir qir lei nr te mei! 去学校的时候,他没有跟我说一句话。When going to school, s/he did not say a single thing to me!Eilni yoxl almer lei niazzir dae mei! 今天又想要下雨了!It is going to rain again!Ngo yar dax zzirbae cir a, yar ngo leil cir nr gger mei! 我跟他借钱,他不借给我!I lent him/her money, (but) s/he won't lend to me!It was reported that this word is not used in the village of ZhangJia.据说张家村那里不用此字。

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