biaxguxdaex pʲa̠⁴⁴kɤ̠⁴⁴tæ̠⁴⁴adj.flat扁扁/biǎnbiǎn/Ngo almeixr meixr a, xilbe ddei lei biaxguxdaexmo ar ddei meixr mal a. 我饿了,肚子也饿得扁扁的。I am hungry and my stomach has become flat because of hunger.Yaxrpexr eil ddei nixl xiaxr ho a, biaxguxdaexmo ar ddei loxr a. 这个盆子压坏了,成了一个扁扁的。The basin was smashed and broken and became something that was flat.This is for something that had a shape and has become flattened, like a tire for example. The word /bbae/ is for a flat surface.biaxgoxdaex pʲa̠⁴⁴ko̠⁴⁴tæ̠⁴⁴

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