cuigosoltsʰʷe³³kʷo³³so⁵⁵🔊n.village government office村公所/cūngōngsuǒ/Mixbbaex gga mel cuigosol cir ddei a zza. 马游只有一个村公所。Mayou has one village government office.1. Labialization occurring in words that are not borrowed from Mandarin Chinese is simply the result of a consonant plus /o/ combination, where the influence from the /o/ vowel—which is pronounced with rounded lips—causes the labialization. This diphthong /ʷo/ is in free variation with the /o/; there is no contrast. If some other vowel, other than /o/, follows a labialized consonant, the word is probably a Mandarin Chinese loan.唇发音出现在非源自汉语的字群中,是子音加上 /o/ 的结果。这是由元音字母 /o/ 所带来的影响 – 嘴唇做圆形状而发出的音 – 而产生的唇发音。双元音 /ʷo/ 是与 /o/ 自由变化;没有对比。如果有其他非 /o/ 的元音,跟在一个唇发音子音之后,这个字很可能是来自汉语的借词。It was reported that this is not used in ZhangJia village. 据说张家村那里不用此字。

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