laus1v1To pass; to walk past; to pass (sth's usefulness).Atoman alipas’akyu we lumaus si lab’i.Wow, you made much noise walking past in the mud last night.Imulayu gob’ak ta ad’i lumaus.Plant the tobacco seedlings so they won't become overgrown be unable to be kept (until being transplanted).Nagol’os aban ni lid’oy te lummaus.The lid’oy tubers were rotten because they weren't taken early enough.2To pass with sth.Illa’us Ben de asin.Ben passed by with the salt (ie. he didn't share it).3To pass by sth.4To be passed by by someone. [If Glenn is sitting and Mary walks by, you can say 'Pinalaus Glenn ak Mary' or 'Lummaus ak Mary kan Glenn.']5To be passed by.Nalausan de bol’oy da Manuel.Manuel's house has been passed. ie. maybe we have gone too far and missed it.6To be passed by.Sommosommokontaku yan ta ad’i mila’us makwa.Let's think well so it will not come to pass.7???Ngai kappagay nillus'e nigatagat, siya budubudonta ayon.???

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