otdet1Before (do sth. before doing sth. else).Umillongka yan as’im ot umo’y.Rest first before you go.Ibag’ana asina ot sosomk’on.He told it before he thought about it.Sosomkok yan ya asiyak ot guminga.I will think first before I speak.Itotonongnu de palsiitnu asim ot bokas’on.Aim your slingshot at the target before you release it.2Keep on doing the action of the verb.Anganka ot!Keep on eating!3Registers a challenge.Ipailam udot kan sakon.I challenge you to show me.Duudota! Pumaytukka.You try it then! You jump (if you can).4So long as; if; when.Nu kama ot'e; nu sa kama ot'e.So long as if, or when (sth).Naid pun midiy’an nu kama ot'e sa tagu we angan, anggappiya.Nothing is to be rejected so long as when the person eats, he gives thanks.

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