uway2seeuwway1vTo wait.An-uw’ayak.I will wait.2vAn-u’uwayak.I'm waiting.3vTo wait for smb. or sth.Uway’onak.Wait for me.Inuuw’ayna umal’iyan Ben.He kept waiting for Ben to return.4vTo wait patiently for smb.Uk-uway’onni gay dikayu.We waited patiently for you.5nomThe occasion of waiting.Sa lamagan an-uway’ak.The resting place is where I will wait.6nomThe occasion of waiting patiently.7nomThe occasion of waiting a long time.8nomOne who waits patiently.9vOne who waits for a certain person; one who eagerly awaits the arrival of a friend.10vTo be waited for.

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