aduseeakit 1akiyutamodakolkapoospaat2peet 2poos1numMany; much.Ad’u bungana.Many fruit.Ad’uda.They are many.Takon ay nu ad’u da amagbag’a kan sakon, misisingngasing pag'ek Juan si angosku.Even though I've many suitors, Juan is the one I'm thinking of.Nam’in ad’u.Many times.2nAn abundance.Kamaan ni kinaad’uda? Ad’uda pay!How many did they get? They have many!3nNumber; quantity4nThe majority; the most.5vTo become many.Um-ad-ad’u.To become a little more.Um-aduad’u.To become many more; to increase in number.6vTo take more.Aduw’om'e angan.You eat more.Aduw’om ot ta tumabaka.You take or eat more so that you will become fat.7vTo increase.Abus da basa ak ampaadu si somsom’ok.Only reading can increase one's knowledge.8vTo cause sth. to increase.Ambasaka ta paaduw’om de somsomoknu!Read so that you will increase your knowledge!9nThe occasion (time or place) of being caused to increase.10vTo overload one's thinking (and not be settled); to add to.

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