libbat11vTo start off.Allibbatkayu we sana ta ad’i da mauuwayan.Start now so others won't have to wait for you.2vTo be about to start.Alliblibbatda'e um’oy ammak ad Pang’ol.Those going to sell sth. in Pangol are getting ready to start.3vTo begin to go; to start out on a journey.4vTo be anxious to go; to start out immediately (being impatient). To stand up from sitting.Acts 26:30-31a Pun lummanibbat da Ari, Gobernador, Bernice ya da nakatukdu kan dida, wok lummawada.Then the King, Governor, Bernice and those sitting with them, and they went out.5vTo have started out.6v(rare) To come from.Malibbatda ap Pangol.They will come from Pangol.7nomThe occasion of starting out.Ak uni allibbat’anda.They will start today.

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