dongol1nNews.2nHearsay; sth. heard.Ngai dongolyu atta iBaguio?What did you hear from those in Baguio City?3nNews; rumor.Ngai dongdong’ol atte mipanggob ad Baguio?What is the news from Baguio?4nomOne who hears.5vTo listen.Ad’i pun dumngol ak Juan.Juan did not listen to the teaching.6vTo hear sth.Dodongng’onyu!You listen!Naatipuka da tagu si dingngolda paltug.The people woke up and went out in the night to see what was happening when they heard the gunshot.We dingngolda?Did they hear it?Dodongngonyu!You listen well!Ab’us'e bantiyag dingngolni. Ippun utupna.We only heard unconfirmed and incorrect information. The end of the message was missing.7vTo listen.8vTo listen closely; to pay attention.9vTo be heard by each.John 21:23 Gapu’tte imbagan Jesus we sadi, nan-asidongo? atta susunud we adipun kanu matoy annae disipulu.Because of that which Jesus told, it was heard by each of the brothers that that disciple it-is-said would not die.10nomThe occasion of listening.11vTo ask for and hear information.Nandongdong’ol ak Juan kan Ben atte nakwa ad ili.Juan went to Ben to hear information of what has happened in the barrio.12von derv. stem dinongol. To spread news.13nomThe occasion of hearing sth.Nangngolan da tagu.When the people heard.14von derv. stem mangngol. To be often heard of.15vTo cause to be heard; to reveal sth.Ipangngolda'e tuttuwa inugudna.They revealed that what he told is true.16vTo be informed.

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