itod1nGift.Itodku anna.Here is my gift.2nGenerous giver.3nomon derv. stem ik-it’od. One who gives regularly.4nomOne who gives.5von derv. stem iyiit’od. To give sth. quickly.6vTo give sth.Ittonyu'tta kamkam’a da aw’ad kan dikayu.Give to the poor (all of) what you have.Ittom ud kan sakon.Please give it to me.Alam ud.Please get it and give it to me.Iittom pay.You be sure to give it.7vTo give to smb.Ittanyu da kamkam’a'tta aw’ad kan dikayu.Give some of (share) what you have with the poor.Ittanak ud si dan’um.Please give one some water.8idiGive generously.Ippun ad’ina angittan.lit: There is no (reason) why he should not give. ie. He will give freely.9vTo be able to give.10vTo give.Nan-it’od atta bulunna.He gave it to his companions.

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