basulseesawawtulututtuwa 9tuwwa1nSin; fault.Naid pun basubasulna.He has no sins at all.2nFact of sin; guilt.3nSinner; wrong doer.4vTo be the one to do sin.5vTo sin.6vTo have sinned.7vTo be tempted to sin.Naid pun okyan makabasulantaku.There ought to be no sin that we are tempted to do.8nomon derv. stem pappabasul. One who condemns; to be the judge; to accuse each other.Ampappab’asul da Ben kan Juan.Ben and Juan accused each other.9vTo be the one to condemn smb.10vTo accuse smb. of having sinned; to lay the blame on smb.; to hold smb.'s sin against him.Aduda ipabasulda kan siya.They accused him of having many sins.Impabasul da iJudyu kan Jesus de nalisalisana atte lintog.The Jews accused Jesus of breaking the law.11von derv. stem pappabasul. To condemn smb.; to accuse smb.Impappabasul Ben kan Pablo de nakwa.Ben accused Pablo of doing what had happened.12vTo accuse smb. of having sinned; to condemn smb.Pabasulon da iJudyu ak Jesus.The Jews accused Jesus of having sin.13vTo be the one to condemn smb.14von derv. stem pabasul. To be blamed.Ak uni kad, napabasul.Later on he will be blamed.

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