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miserable (become)zarbeá-èvbecome miserable, degenerateBãagã zarb-a-la zãnga.The disease has made that he became miserable.
miseryfare1à-énpain, suffering, ache, miserysynnamsgobare1à-énanxiety suffering, miserypɛtaɛ̀-ánextreme poverty, miserykɩɩbã pɛt waooga.namsgonsuffering, miserysynfare1naongo 1á-ònpoverty, misery, poornessnaong soab kurg yaa yolgo.antlaogonimbãanegaí-ánpoverty, distress, pain, misery, pitifulnessTʋmtʋmdã nimbãaneg yõka a zu-soabã t'a bas a samdã taale, n bas-a t'a looge. And out of pity for him, the master of that servant released him and forgave him the debt.
misfortunesabaaboà-á-ònwoe, adversity, bad luck, misfortune, causesabaab n paam-b rũndã: b baabã n ki.bʋglɛɛlɛɛʋ̀-ɛ́-ɛ́nmisfortune, bad luckbʋko 2ʋ́nmisfortune, bad luck
misleadtudgi 1ùvmake a mistake, blunder, mislead, deceive, to err, be mistakenA tudga sore.He took the wrong way.synliibi
missyõsge 1ó-èvmiss, fail, foul up, to make a mistakeBãmb ned ba a ye ka lobgd zoobg ne loaabg n yõsg ye.Every one of them could sling a stone at a strand of hair and never miss.synlidgikesge1èvmiss, failF tʋma sõma la kesga bilfu.You worked well but you missed a bit.
miss ones marklidgií-ìvto miss ones mark, fail, not hit the targeta wẽ-a lame n lidgi.synyõsge 1lidiverb.itto miss ones mark, fail, not hit the target
misses its targetfʋsge2vact inefficiently, misses its target through clumsinessa wẽe biigã n fʋsg n pãs n lʋɩ.
misshapenbalorgoà-ó-òadjdeformed, misshapen, inelegant
Missi King
missing (be)paooge 1àvto lack, be missing, be lackingYamsem n paoog zẽedã.Salt is missing in the sauce.
missing somethingkãre2adjincomplete, nothing but, missing somethingA waa ne bend-kãre.
missiontʋntʋmdoʋ̀-ɩ́-ònmission, assignment, sending, mailing, dispatchsyntoolle
mistakeyelle 1énproblem, matter, thing preoccupation, mistake, word, business, palaverYell kae ye.there is no problem.tudgrinerror, mistake, cheating, deceit, con, deception, fraud
mistake (make a)tudgi 1ùvmake a mistake, blunder, mislead, deceive, to err, be mistakenA tudga sore.He took the wrong way.synliibibʋdge 2ʋ́-èvmake a mistakea tʋʋmda wɛɛngẽ, a zɩ n bʋdg ye.
mistake (to make a)yõsge 1ó-èvmiss, fail, foul up, to make a mistakeBãmb ned ba a ye ka lobgd zoobg ne loaabg n yõsg ye.Every one of them could sling a stone at a strand of hair and never miss.synlidgi
mistaken (be)tudgi 1ùvmake a mistake, blunder, mislead, deceive, to err, be mistakenA tudga sore.He took the wrong way.synliibi
mistreatnamse1 1á-èvsuffer, mistreat, inflict suffering, tortureNa nams moog namsda f menga.To want to torture the grass is to torture yourself. (Proverb: by wanting to cause suffering or prejudice to others, we find ourselves the victim of our own conduct)maane1 3àvill-treat, mistreat, maltreat, operate in a bad waytĩngi 4í-ìvharry, heckle, pester, harass, mistreat, put the blame on all the timeA tara a biigã n tĩngdẽ.He mistreats his child.
mistreat, ill-use, maltreatyalme1á-èvmistreat, ill-use, maltreat, tortureB yalm-a lame n yaool n kʋ-a.They tortured him and then they killed him.
mistresspʋg-neereʋ̀-énlover, mistress, beautiful woman, girlfriendPʋg-neer sã n pa wagdre, a yaa sõeya.If a beautiful woman is not a thief, she is a witch. (Proverb: Human beings cannot be perfect. Aren't such judgements motivated by jealousy?)2Person
mixkẽ1 2ẽ̀vmix up, mingle with, muddleKi wã ne mui kẽe taaba.The millet is mixed with rice.fãooge 2ã́-èvmix, put togethernaage 1á-èvmix, put things together, uniteF sã n naag kamb n dɩ ka-zẽeg sagbo, b yetame tɩ f wa tɩ y tɛ sã ka-zẽeg bĩndu.If you eat the red millet porridge with the children, they will invite you to come and you will defecate red millet faeces. (Proverb: the elder or the responsible must avoid behaving towards others that could cause any kind of contempt, neglect towards him. He must however inspire respect.)antbakewelgesynlagme 1mage2kalme 1àvto mix, knead, associate withPiisã ne bʋʋsã kalma taaba.Sheep and goats are mixed together.syngalmegẽdgegẽdmeyãgme1à-èvamalgamate, mix, mingle, intermixA yãgma yɛlã fãa.He mingles all the problems.gudgi 2ú-ìvknead, brew, move, mix, muddle sth.gudg zomã tɩ d kok wĩntoogo.galmevmix, kneada baoo kaam n galem bɛngã n wãbe.synkalme 1
mix (especially colors)lɩʋʋse2vmix (especially colors)a fuugã yaa peell n yaool n lʋɩɩs miuugu.syngẽdge
mix of various thingsgẽdmaadjmix of various thingsrɩk-y ka-gẽdmã n sɩng bʋdbo.antnare2
mix solid into watersaameá-èvto mash, smash, mix solid into water, add water toSaam sagbã n kõ baagã.Add water to the porridge and give it to the dog.
mix thick substancewõde2 1óvto knead, mix thick substance, hit, beat, thresh severely, harshly, crease, crumpleB yõk-a lame n wõd sõama.They got him an beat him severely.