purtuadverb 11in vain, can’t, couldn’t, unsuccessfullyKa-ya marnkurrtu pitjangu kapingka purtu taka-takarltjingarnu.Then the three of them came because of the rain and knocked (on the door) without success.Purtu-rna kulira!I can’t hear you (from over here)!Nyangka-ya purtu ngurriranytja.Then they couldn’t find him.2try to act like ....., try to be .....Purtu minarlirringkulanytjalu yaturnu.She tried to act like a boy and stone something with a shanghai.Purtun karnany-karnanyarringku wantiku. Nyangka-rnanta pungku yulatjingalku.You’re trying to act tough. But I’ll belt you and make you cry.

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