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txaretʃareivwear around neck, place, put onusar ao redor do pescoço, colocar, vestirheihei, wa txare-rɨthis, wear this on the neck
txarepotʃarepowear out, onusar cordão, colar
txarepoweinpcarry (wear) around the neckusar (ter) ao redor do pescoço.
txarerɨtʃarerɨ, tʃareavtwear around neckcolocar ao redor do pescoçowat yarerɨ-ɨwear it on the neck
txarëxenncuati, fox similar p.383quati sp, como raposaProcyonidae
txari nasinCaterpilar (Sphinx Moths)Lagarta de um tipo de Mariposa
txarikpotʃarikpocarry, bringcarregar de ombro
txarim1tʃarim, tʃariminmonkey sp., capuchinmacaco-prego sp.
txarim2Monkey sp.Macaco sp.
txarimhek1nSpider sp. golden silk spider CCAranha de seda
txarimhek2tʃarim-hektʃarimheknspider sp., tarantulaaranha sp., caranguejeiraTheraphosidae
txarimhek3tʃarim heknspider sp. light color with strong legsaranha sp., aranha armadeira, cor clara com pernas de grande envergadura
txarimitᶘariminwhite-fronted capuchincairara macaco-pregoCebidae
txarimimosisinmaraja palm sp.palma maraja sp.Arecaceae
txarimistʃarimisnfusefuso do algodao
txarimosisiknpalmito fruitfruto palmitoArecaceae1.5.5Parts of a plant
txarinastʃarinasncaterpillar (generic)lagarta sp.
txarinasikɨxitʃarinasik uʃincaterpillar sp.lagarta sp.
txarinasikrixixincaterpillar sp.lagarta sp.
txarɨ1tʃarɨvtwash with waterlavar com água
txarɨ2tʃarɨadvlevel, flatplano, nivelado
txarɨ3tʃarɨnlowlandplanície, planície que alagapat irih txarɨit's swampy