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txarɨhatʃarɨhalocdown therelá embaixo
txarɨɨ1vtwash, to wash, washinglavar
txarɨɨ2tʃarɨ-ɨVi/Vtrinse, to shower, taking a showerenxaguar, banho de chuveiroIrori Paahixta-ha warokewei, txarɨ-rema.Irori arrived at the house in Boa Vista and bathed.
txarɨkɨpotʃarɨkpo, tʃarɨkɨ-potʃarɨkpovtcarry, to carry on shouldercarregar no ombro
txarɨkɨpoweitʃarɨkɨpo weipart.carrying things on shoulders, to carrycarregar no ombro
txarɨmo1sʃarɨmo, tʃarimov ref.bathe (oneself)banhar-se, tomar banho
txarɨmo2v ref.take a shower, wash oneselflavar-se, banhar-se
txarɨmoxtʃarɨmoʃ, tʃarɨmoʃiv ref.bathe with, bathe self togethertomar banho junto, banhar-se juntoshamë txarɨmox kõminilet's all shower together
txarɨnasitʃarɨnas, tʃarɨnasicaterpillars (general)tipo de lagarto
txarɨwenalligator sp.jacaretinga
txarɨweitʃarɨweinrinse, showerlavagem, enxaguar
txarɨxënëtʃarɨʃënënring tailed coati sp.quatiNasua nasua
txaro1tʃaronanimal (edible), as a deer, paca, fish, agouti, etc.animal (comestível) como veado, paca, cutia, peixe, etc. from animals
txaro kɨroɨtʃaro kɨ-ro-iv ref.becoming an animal, transform self into an animaltransformar-se em animal, tornar-se animal
txaro pɨk rëkapɨweinfishermanpescadortxaro-pɨk rëkapɨ-wei kɨp kɨo hakeereonce the two were fishermen1.6.1.5Fish
txaro yãhitʃaro ɲãhĩnmeat, flesh of animal (edible)carne de animal (comestível) from animals
txaro yõntʃaro ɲõnnpbird (generic term)ave (termo genérico)
txaroahitʃaro?ahi, tʃaro-ahicftxaroptxoroahimissing the game, not a good hunternão acertar o alvo6.4.1Hunt
txarohiktʃaro-hiknwood grill for roasting gamegrelha de madeira
txarohoretʃaro horendomesticated animalanimal domesticado1.6Animal
txarokɨatxoweynpdecontamination ritual of meat considered taboodescontaminação de carne submetida à proibição alimentar
txaromotʃaromov ref.to be sick when his alter-ego is caught?ficar doente quando o seu espírito for atingido.txa txaromo rayo-maI got sick because my spirit got sick (continuous aspect)txaromo-ɨ
txaroptʃaropcframhɨtimtxaroahinskilled hunter (?)bom atirador, distinto caçador6.4.1Hunt
txaropëngames plu. (edible)animal comestivel5.2.3.2Food from animals