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thão txiaɨvtunderstandcompreender
thão txihiVi/Vtlearn by heart, memorizedecorar, memorizar
thão wariivtinform, to inform sb., telling sb.informar, informando
thão wariweithãõ wari-weiinf. nom.questioning. to question, a questioninterrogar, interrogação, questãothão warim yapawei pɨk kiri-ma-heinterrogate him again, they were afraid (feared).
thão wãhirimothãõ wãhĩrĩmõconfessconfessar
thão wãrihik thakemacreate a problem with wordscolocar ou criar problemas
thão wëx wãrimoɨv ref.create problems (?)por problemas
thão xaariathãõ ʃa?ariavtcompromise, to commitcomprometer comprovar
thão xaarima1thão-ʃaari-mavtconfirm, to confirmconfirmar
thão xaarima2thão-ʃa?arimavtcombine, to combine, arrangecombinar
thão xaarima ɨhethãõ ʃaarima ɨhëVi/Vtplan, to plan, project, calculateplanejar
thão xaarimaɨthão ʃaari-ma-ɨvtresolve, to resolve, decide, concludingresolver, concluindo, resolvendo
thão xɨmɨthãõ-ʃɨmɨvtcommunicate, to communicatecomunicar, mandar mensagemthão xɨmɨrema
thãoiaɨVi/Vtread, to read, readingler, lendo (lit. comendo palavras)
thãokãi xɨmaɨvtto send a messagemandar recado
thãowaomamotimnpstory tellercontador de histórias
thãracfhatxoVi/Vtleave, to leavedeixarthëk thãra-kemaHe left things hereantwaro
thãrɨmaVi/Vtcollaborate, to collaboratecolaborar
thãrothëthãrõthə̃nbanana stalk (potato??)talo (banana)
thãwën ɨtɨpthãwə̃n ɨtɨpechoeco
them hototiavtbe pulled ?estar puxado
therininhabitants, peoplemoradores, pessoas
thethethete, thethe, tetəinal. nouneggovo
thetheiamavtlower, to lower sth.baixar
thethekëthethek, thethekə, thekinal. nouneggsovos