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thethesinegg shellcasca de ovo
thẽmxirithə̃m-ʃiri, thə̃n-ʃiriVi/Vtsmell good (sweet), to smell goodcheirar, cheiro doce
thẽrekë1thẽrẽkəswollen (not full)inchada (não cheio)pɨsi thẽrekebelly (not full)
thẽrekë2thẽrẽkənpbelly, sticks out but not fullbarriga grande mas não cheiapɨsi thẽrekesitting in that position the belly seems full
thẽri ɨ̃kɨkɨ wãrihikpoVi/Vtsmelling bad, to have bad body odorcheirar mau, ter mau cheiro no corpo
thẽriɨ̃kɨkaɨcfɨ̃kɨkaɨyõoraɨVi/Vtsmelling, to smell st.cheirando
thëthənthing, itcoisa, istothëk1Unspec.nthings
-thëthə, -thəsfxthing, it, 3p s. newtercoisa, isso
thë ainpother thingoutra coisa
thë hiramaɨplay schooltocar a escola
thë hɨ̃kɨrɨhɨathë hɨ̃kɨ̃-rɨhɨ-avtbe pulled nearestar puxado perto
thë kɨa haikiathə kɨa haikiaidm.need, to need, needing thingsnecessitar, necessitando coisasyãno totihimawei thë kɨa haikiato fix the house are necessary to do things, it needs thingsthë thawei thë kɨa haikia
thë kɨpwaithə kɨpwaintwo (?)como duas coisas
thë nihrëpoɨvtgive some timedar um tempo
thë thaɨvtenablepossibilitar
thë wariithə wari-iidm.cover with questionscobrir de perguntas
thë wawë a moviepassar um filme
thë wãha thapoɨvtcharge, to charge, (idiom)cobrarthë wãha-thapo-ɨ, noa naka, thë naka-ɨ.asks the price to carry this, question.
thë wãrihikɨi rãramaweithə wãrĩhĩ-k-ui rãrã-ma-weiact-nomerase the bad things, forgive the bad thingsapagar as maldades, perdoar as maldadeshatin thë wãrinikɨi thë rãrama haki-ih?Who can forgive sins, bad things?
thë xaari thaweithə ʃaari thawei, ..thawii (Albino)vtdo what one can.., do as much as I canfazer o possível
thëhë1thəhəTim., nowdia, agora, hojehoi thëhëtoday, now8.4Time8.4.1.2Day
thëhɨraavtget s.t. ready, to get readyaprontar algo
thëhɨtɨhavtcalculate things, countingcalcular coisas