Browse Ninam


thëk2they (plu.)eles (plural)
thëk3thə-k, thə-kəsp. var.thëkënthings, these (generic for inanimate things)coisas, estes (genérico para seres inanimados)
thëk airërëavtcarry, to carry s.t.carregar
thëk mɨramaweithək mɨramaweinpthings for cheating, cheating thingscoisas para enganhar, defraudar, trapacear
thëk moox hotxëaweithək mooʃ hotʃe-a-wejinf. nom.sow, to sow, sowing, spreading seedsemear, espalhar semente, disseminar
thëk thamaɨthək thama-ɨvtimpose, to make do thingsobrigar, obrigar a fazer
thëk titiaɨvtdeposit, put things into st.depositar
thëk xaarimaɨvtorganizing thingsorganizando coisas
thëk xiahicoveting thingsdesejar muitas coisas em geral
thëk xɨmaɨvtsending thingsfornecer
thëkëthəkə, thəksp. var. ofthëk3Moved from Lexeme Form field
thëkën thë̃mxirithəkən thə̃mʃirinspices, ancient perfumed oilsaromas, antigos óleos perfumados
thëkɨm hetɨaɨthək-ɨm hetɨ-a-ɨnpthings for exchangecoisas para trocarxithak ya-kɨm hetɨaɨ mayao-ëhabeads I exchange for papaya (I exchange beads for papaya) I exchange hooks with fishyarak ya-nakɨm hetɨaɨ yaraka-ha
thëkɨm hetɨamoɨ (as of clothes) Reflexivetrocar-se, (como mudar roupa)
thëkɨsithəkɨsi, thəkɨsnskin of fruitscasca da fruta, pele da fruta1.5.5Parts of a plant
thëktɨrɨ tharaɨthək tɨrɨ tharaɨ writing or drawingelaborar desenho ou escrito
thëmthəm, thəmə1hour, timehora8.4Time2timetempothëm harɨathëhit's dawning
thëm harɨathəm harɨaTim. Ad.dawnamanhecer
thëm harɨaɨthəm harɨa-ɨ is coming, almost morningmadrugada mas quase ao amanhecer8. of the day
thëm harɨarethəmə harɨa-reTim. Ad.still at dawn nowainda de madrugadaaithëmë-ha thëm harɨare Ayam itowei, irihi-roke-ham hayo hakɨ day still at dawn, Ayam got up (came down from the net) and went out to a deserted place.
thëm harɨathëhëthəm harɨathəhə, thəm harɨathəhTim. dawn, early morningde madrugada, ainda cedo8. of the day
thëm henathëTim. Ad.morning, in the morningamanhã, de manhã8. of the day
thëm herethəm herecfmaa thëmëTim. Ad.rainy season, winter, wet-timeinverno, tempo da chuva8.4.1.5Season
thëm hɨtɨhɨthəm hɨtɨhɨTim. Ad.time right, the right timetempo certo, justokahon thëm hɨtɨhɨ txai arrived at the right time on fair time.