Browse Ninam


thëm hɨtxat txomathəm hɨtʃa-t tʃ is late, the day became late afternoonchegou à tarde, o dia ficou tarde, entardeceutxa kõon thëm hɨtxate yoma.I'm going home, it's late. of the day
thëm hɨtxatethəm hɨtʃateTim. Ad.afternoontarde8. of the day
thëm kɨathëhathëm kɨ-a-thə-haTim. Ad.starting from (this time)a partir desta (data)'
thëm otamowasiweithəm otamo-wasiwei inf. nom.Sabbath, Jewish Saturday, time of work prohibitedSábado hebreu, sábado, tempo do trabalho proibidothëm otamo-wasiwei rãrayo-pëhWhen he spent the Sabbath.../After the Sabbath day
thëm pɨpɨthəm pɨpɨTim. Ad.mid nightmeia-noite8. of the day
thëm rixixithəm riʃiʃiTim. Ad.white cloudsnuvens brancas
thëm sãithən sãi, thən si-ãhideadj.Vit is cold, cold weatherfazer frio, tempo frio8.3.4.1Cold1.1.3Weather
thëm titiaɨthəm titiaɨivdarkenescurecer
thëm tɨtɨthəm-tɨtɨcfitxaimathëm wakara1Tim. Ad.night timenoitethëm tɨtɨ hɨima thëhëwhen the night was approaching, when the afternoon was coming, when it was getting late8. of the day2n
thëm tɨtɨ hototethəm tɨtɨ hototenpThe night is shorta noite é curta
thëm tɨtɨathəm tɨtɨ-aivnight falling, getting darkanoitecerthëm tɨtɨa-ɨIt's getting dark, the night is falling8. of the day8.
thëm tɨtɨrakemathəm tɨtɨ-ra-ke-manpit became dark (Temporal phrase)ficou escuro, escureceu
thëm tɨtɨtxo thëhathəm tɨtɨ-tʃo thə-hanpbeginning of the night whencomeço da noite quando..
thëm txatotoramothəm tsɑtoto-ra-movtdefer, postponeadiar, pospor
thëm wakarathəm wakaracfthëm tɨtɨnday, day time, dawndia, madrugada
thëm wakaraaɨthəm wakara-a-ɨivdawn, it is dawningamanhecendo, chegando o diathëm wakara-a-ɨ.It's dawn.
thëm wakixithəm wakiʃiTim. Ad.foggyneblina
thëm wakɨthəm wakɨTim. Ad.lightningrelâmpago
thëm wãi sãirathəm wãĩ sã cold, temperature fallingcair a temperaturathëm wãi sãira-kemaThe weather got cold8.3.4.1Cold
thëm wãri1thəm wãriTim. Ad.cloudnuvemyãrɨha thëm wãri kɨarɨathe cloud is in the sky.
thëm wãri2thəm wãrĩTim. Ad.storm, stormytemporal, tempestuoso
thëm wehecfthëm xĩiTim. Ad.dry-season, summerverão, tempo da seca8.4.1.5Season
thëm witxatethəm witʃateTim. Ad.late afternoontarde, à tarde8. of the day
thëm xĩicfthëm wehexĩi1npsummer time, dry seasonverão, estação seca8.4.1.5Season
thëmëthəmə, thəmtəməntime, day, turntempo, dia, vez