Browse Ninam


thëmɨ thavtraised or moved to another position or different hoursser escaladokẽawei ha thëmɨ tha-kemaat work he was transferred to another job
thëmtxototamavtanticipate, to anticipateantecipar
thën taaɨthən taa-ɨvttesting, cheeking, examining, to inspecttestar
thën taaɨ parɨathən taaɨ parɨavttry, to try it first, check firstexperimentar, provar primeiro
thën taamaɨ have to do with..ter a ver com
thënihrëpov ref.put up with, to put up with, (neg.+stand)aguentar
thëntaathən taa, thən ta?auvtdiscern, to find outenxergar, achar, avistar, ver ao longe, discernirtxa thëkɨn taaɨI can see them
thëntaaɨvtattend, to attend (a class), to find outassistir a
thënxirithənʃiri, thənəʃiricftãnxiri1tãnxiri2smell goodbom cheiro
thëpthə-p, thə-pəpropeoples, they, in Yanomam (not Ninam)gente, eles, em Yanomam (não Ninam)
thëraɨvtprovoke, to provoke, affront, insultprovocar
thërempoVi/Vtcare, to care, look aftercuidar, proteger
thërë mapoVi/Vtensuregarantir
thës thetheamaɨvtmaking dirt, to dirtyfazer sujeira
thës witxɨ porethəs witʃɨ porepaindor
thëtaathə-taaVi/Vtlearn, to learn (by watching)aprender
thëtë paarëremavtwinganharantmihmɨtimaɨ
thëthama pemiVi/Vtavoidevitarinsert example
thëtɨrɨraɨthə tɨrɨra-ɨvtelaborate a drawing, or writingelaborar desenho ou escrito.
thëwatikaweithe=watika-weiact-nomclenching one's teeth, gnashing one's teethranger os dentespiri nakë watikaweihe's grinding his teeth
thëwëpɨsp. var.thëwëpov ref.get married, to get marriedcasar-seya thëwëpo-ɨ
thëwëposp. var. ofthëwëpɨMoved from Lexeme Form field
thëxaariimportant, important thingimportante, coisa importante
thëxiunspec. var. ofxi2Moved from Lexeme Form field
thëxwãri xaaria pemidisentangle, to free, untwine, unwinddesembaraçar