Browse Ninam


titiri2titirinevil spirit of the night and darknessespírito maléfico da noite e da escuridão
titithëhëtitithəhə, titithəhTim. Ad.night time, inside time, at nightnoite, de noitetiti-the̐hë Ernexo mãrixi paroat night Ernesto is sleepy. of the day8.
titokamoɨtitoka-mo-ɨv ref.scratching, scratching one selfcoçar-se, coçando-se
titokamoweititoka-mo-weiinf. nom.scratch, itch, to scratchcoceira, coçar
titxatitʃa, tɨtʃavtplantplantar
titxë2titʃəVi/Vtdig, to digcavar
titxɨ1titʃɨvtcut tree (with axe)cortar ávore1.5.1Tree
titxɨ2vtroofing, weave leavescobrir o telhado tecendo folhas...
titxɨweiinf. nom.possessed, to be possessed, to have, to be seized by, to attackpossuir, ter, agarrar, pegar, capturarhekɨra-n tiyɨ-thëh ɨrɨthai kemarere-wei, hiarayoma.when evil spirit attacks him, he throws the boy to the ground and he gets all worked up.
titxoraweytitʃo-ra-weicfrãramaɨinf. nom.knock down, cut down, to destroywinderrubar, destruirhei yãno reo totihi mahkii, tiyorayo-ithë.This communal house, though still good, will be destroyed.7.9.3Destroy
tixa1tiʃansting, piercingpicada, penetrante
tixoxotiʃoʃ, iʃoʃoncurve, benddobrar, curvado
tixoxoitiʃoʃoiadjtwistedtorcido, reviravoltahei yo pih tixoxoithis path seems turnaround
climb treessubir em árvores1.5.1Tree
tɨa1tɨavtcooking something (stem)cozinhar algothëk tɨa-ɨhe's cooking something
tɨa2tɨa, thɨavttransplant, movetranslandar, mudarkara-ya-tak tɨaɨI'm moving bananas.
tɨa3tɨ-avtmove (stem)mexer, movimento
tɨaɨvtmove, to movemover, para moveripa poko tɨa pemiMy arm doesn't moveantɨrara
tɨarɨtɨarɨ, tɨaivcome down, going belowdescer, caminhar por baixo
tɨarɨmëtɨarɨmə, tɨarɨmnnigh monkeymacaco da noite sp.
tɨaweitɨ-a-weiinf. nom.cook, to cook, cookingcozinhar, cozinhando
tɨhaweithɨha-weiVi/Vtswallowing, to swallowengolir, engolhindo