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tɨhɨtɨhɨnjaguar, general termonçatɨhɨ-si totehijaguar skin, the jaguar skin is good.
tɨhɨ ɨxirimatɨhɨ-ɨʃi-rimanBlack JaguarOnça PretaFelidae
tɨhɨ mõrɨptɨhɨ mõrɨpncicada or locustcigarra
tɨhɨ thaitɨhɨ thainmargay, small jaguarmaracajáLeopardus wiedii
tɨhɨ tɨrɨrimtɨhɨ tɨrɨ-rimnSpotted JaguarOnça PintadaFelidae
tɨhɨ txaotɨhɨ tʃaonOcelot sp.gato-do-matoFelidae
tɨhɨrerɨtɨhɨrerɨivgo up on topsubir em cima
tɨhɨsi1tɨhɨsinfish sp.suburim1.6.1.5Fish
tɨhɨsi2tɨhɨ-sinjaguar hidepele da onça
tɨhɨsi3nKatydid, cricket sp.(looks like a Wasp)Grilo sp. (se parece com Cabas ou Vespas)
tɨhɨsi4tɨhɨsingrasshopper sp.gafanhoto
tɨɨsitɨ?ɨ-si, tɨɨ-səndaughter, niece, younger sibling, granddaughter niecefilha, sobrinha, irmã mais nova e netaipa tɨɨsimy daughter4., daughter4.1.9Kinship4., niece
tɨɨtxetɨɨye (crianca pequena) tɨɨse (crianca mas grande)ngranddaughter, daughter in-law, daughter of brother, daughter of sisternora, neta, sobrinha4.1.9Kinship4., granddaughter
tɨkɨtɨkɨ ?green, not ripe (fruit)novo, imaturo, verde (fruta)1.5.5Parts of a plant
tɨkɨkɨtɨkɨkɨVi/Vtmove, to move over, awayafastarwa tɨkɨkɨ-rayo-ɨ
tɨkɨrɨ on something (wood, stone etc.)sentado em alguma coisa. (madeira, pedra)
tɨkɨtɨkɨmoweitɨkɨtɨkɨ-mo-weiinf. nom.heart beat, (honomatopoeic)bater do coração
tɨnɨrim(see tuhu tururim)nspotted jaguaronça pintadaFelidae
tɨotɨo v ref.climb, climbing (stem)escalar, subir (árvore e serra)
tɨoɨtɨo-ɨv ref.climbing, going up (trees mountain)subindo, (serra, árvore)1.5.1Tree
tɨowei1tɨ-o-weiAna. Inf. Nom.climbing a tree, to climbsubir uma árvore, subindowiitihi-ha tɨo-weiclimbing tree1.5.1Tree
tɨowei2tɨ-o-wei, tɨjo (Albino)Ana. Inf. Nom.cook for oneself (reflexive stem)cozinhar para si mesmo
tɨpo-pfxwifeesposa4., wife2.6.1Marriage
tɨrentɨren, tɨrenənreed (plant sp.)junco (planta sp.)tɨren ɨsbark of the reed or inner part of this cane is like plant.
tɨrërɨmtɨrə-rɨmdial. var. oftɨrɨrim