Browse Ninam


totoritotorinturtle sp. (land turtle, generic for two family of tortoise)tartaruga, sp., jaboti (terra) termo genéricoPelomedusidae and Testudinidae
totorototorondoctor, medical doctor, surgeondoutor, médico, cirurgião
totramatot-rama, on the lower back, (position verb)carga baixa na costa, (verbo de Posição)
totxëritotʃəriivlean to a stickapoiar-se num pauwiitihin totxëri mo-ɨ̃walking with the help of a stick, he is walking with a sticktotxëri-a-ɨ
towahtowa, towahvtpick st. up, get, takecatar, pegar, levar, tomarwa thëk towa-ɨchoose thingskamaya wãha towao-heiThey're using my name
towatxopëtowa-tʃo-pəvtbring, to start bringing s.t.trazer, portar
toxahitoʃa-hintoxa tree, sp.toxa árvore, sp.Leguminosae1.5.1Tree
toxaktoʃaku, toxaknfruits of the toxa-hi treefrutas da árvore toxa-hiLeguminosae1.5.1Tree1.5.5Parts of a plant
tõromkonncicada-like bugInseto semelhante a uma cigarra
trẽ trẽ hem koxtrẽtre-hemkoʃnCurl-crested ArassariAraçari-Mulato
ttxapetᶘapengrandmother/in-lawsogra/avô4., grandmother4.1.9Kinship
txatʃacfkamatxanëkamatxëpro-formI (1 per. sg. pro. short form)Eu (1 pes. pro. singular)txa hɨre, txa pataI'm heavy, you're big.
txaa1tʃa-a, tʃaha bake cassava bread, or fish or anythingassar beiju ou qualquer coisa5.2.3.3Cooking ingredients1.6.1.5Fish
txaa2tʃa-a, tʃahavtroast meat on the fireassar carne no fogo5.
txaahotʃa-a-honyour grandmother, mother-in-lawtua ou sua vovó, tua avó, tua sogra4., grandmother4.1.9Kinship
txaaɨvtthrough out fora algo
txaathenatʃa?athenanleaf of Ubim treefolha de ubim1.5.1Tree
txaathenakëtʃa?athenak, tʃa?athenakənroofing leaves, leaves of ubim treefolhas para telhado, folhas de ubimtxaathenak, wa henak tɨtoi kɨa ? pemi, ipa henak komini repɨ.do you have green leaves, cover straws? Not all my leaves are old.1.5.1Tree
txaaweihaainf. nom.roast, to roast meetassar carne
txaesmotʃaesmonrelative of "yape"parente de "yape"4.1.9Kinship
txahatʃahaput in firejogar no fogo
txahathoaɨvtbreak to peacesquebrar, arrebentar
txahathooɨtʃahatho-o-ɨ, tʃahtho-o-ɨv ref.bust, dash to peaces, explodearrebentar-se
txahathoraɨtʃahathora-ɨ, tʃahthora-ɨvtbreak, crash in piecesquebrar, arrebentar