Browse Ninam


txanampɨktʃanampɨknYanam peoplepovo Yanomami
txanih haarioɨv ref.protect selfproteger-se
txao1tʃaonocelot sp.maracajá
txao2tʃaonocelot sp.Jaguatirica
txaothainwild catmaracajá
txapa1tʃapaivturn, change directionvoltar para trás
txapa2tʃapaivchange direction, either coming or goingmudar direçãowam txapa rayo-ɨyou changed (direction)
txapa kõ hometocar de volta
txapaɨ kõoivreturn homeregressar pra casa
txapamatʃapamacauschange, cause to change directionmudar algotxa txapamo ithëI'll come back (when I'm gone)
txapamotʃapamocaus/reflturn self backmudar-se
txapara1tʃaparaivchange, come back, convergemudança, voltar para tráswa pihim yapare-iyou change your mind!Xoão yapara-yo-ithë"you repent" John will return
txapara2tʃaparavtrecover, to restore, recuperaterecuperar, restauraripa karitasik ya-sik yapara-yomaI recovered (restore) my book (quickly) do not tell anyone about recovering itkama tema-m yaparayo-pëh wa kɨp-xiha
txapararotʃapararov ref.pace back and forthretornar, voltartxam txapa araroɨI go back and forth; I'm going back and forthyam yapa araro-ɨ
txapetʃapengrandmother (generic), father's sister, father's mother, husband's mother, mother's mother, wife's mothervovó (genérico)txape! (voc), grandmother4.1.9Kinship
txapetxëtᶘape-tᶘënmy grandmother, grandma, mother-in-lawminha vovó, minha avó, minha sogra4., grandmother4.1.9Kinship
txapëk poɨvtoccupy, take possessionocuparthë txapëk poɨthe bush is slowly occupying the countryside
txapëkavtconfuse, to be in the way of sb.atrapalhar
txapëkamotʃapəkamov confused, get confusedatrapalhar-se
txapietetʃapieteadv,Vturned, twistedvirar, virado
txapɨrettwisttorcertxa pok txapɨret kiithë"I can twist my arm"
txapotetʃapoteadvfeet turned, bent inside (as a parrot)pés torcidos para dentrokama mãhɨkɨ txapotehis feet are inside
txara1vtaccumulate, amass, to gather togetheracumulartxa thëk txara-ɨI accumulate things together.