Browse Ninam


txërɨoɨv ref.crouch selfagachar-se
txëtëtʃətəside by sidelado a ladoyehek ro txëtëkɨawe sit next to each other
txëtëatʃətə, side by sidejuntos, lado a lado
txëtëkeweitʃətə-ke-weiinf. be near along sideestar perto, ao lado
txëtëmapoɨtʃətə-ma-po-ɨvtcontaining, to contain one by oneconter, em ordem um por umhei ripro-si-k-in yãnamam theri ɨtɨpë txëtë-ma-po-ɨ.This book has pictures of the Yanomam people in order.
txëtëom potɨmtʃətə-o-m po-tɨ-mpost. ph.each of us are (disease) carrier(cada um de nós) somos portadores de doença2.5.2Disease
txëtxëtëmotʃətʃətəmoassemble, put togethermontar, montar juntoswa thëk txëyëtëmomën"Put things together"antkarora2
txi2tʃi, tʃɨivtake, raise up (root)tomar, levantar (raiz)
txia1tʃiadefend with stickdefender com uma varaweehen yiaitëI defend you with sticks
txia2tʃiadeadj.Vtake, to take a femaletomar, querer mulherweh yia-ɨI like you (woman)wee txiaɨyou ... I to take (female)
txia3tʃɨ-a, tʃi-aivflyvoarãhion txitxo-hɨrɨmathe plane flew away
txiaɨ1tʃia-ɨvtget, achieve, pick upbuscar, pegar, obter, levar, conseguirai txa thëk txia kɨremI have other things (ready)txa tão yiamap akënI have the words in fact
txiaɨ2tʃi-a-ɨ, tʃɨaɨivflying, taking off, fly, to flyvoando, decolando, voar
txiamotʃiamoUnspec. oftxiram-otxiram
txiapoɨtʃiapo-ɨvtlearn learningaprender
txiaraget down, obtain, cut down??procurar, obter
txiaxemovtwish to get, could receivepoder receber, querer-pegar
txiha1tʃihangrandmother (ego feminine)neta, nora, sobrinha, filha da irma4., grandmother4.1.9Kinship
txiha2tᶘihangranddaughter, daughter in-law, daughter of brother, daughter of sisternora, neta, sobrinha (filha do irmão - mulher falando, ou filha da irmã - homem falando)4.1.9Kinship4., granddaughter
txihahõtᶘihahonyour granddaughter, daughter in-law, daughter of brother, daughter of sistertua nora, neta, sobrinhaaho tᶘihaho4.1.9Kinship4., granddaughter
txihatxëtᶘihatᶘënmy granddaughter, daughter in-law, daughter of brother, daughter of sisterminha nora, neta, sobrinhaipa txihatxë4.1.9Kinship4., granddaughter
txihivtlifting on back, take awaylevantando nas costas, tirarthëk txihi aikɨre hɨrɨmahe (yãnomam)"they've already lifted the thing" "they've already carried"thëk txihi aikɨre hɨrɨmahe
txihioweitʃihi-o-weiinf. carried on shoulderser trazido nos ombros
txihipocfihipo2carry on shoulderscontinuar ombros