Browse Ninam


txihipoɨtʃihi-po-ɨ, tʃii-po-ɨcfihipo1vtcarry on shoulders, bringing s.t. on shoulderscarregando algo nos ombros, trazer nos ombros
txikatʃikahalf (fruit?)metade de um fruto1.5.5Parts of a plant
txipotʃipo, tʃipɨcfɨraramaɨtereitxɨpɨ1lift uplevantar
txiporihinwood used for caibrosmarupa
txiramtʃiram, tʃiramacfteaɨ1thɨwë tiaɨtxiamoUnspec. oftxiram-oVi/Vtmarry, to marrycasarai wiripo kori tɨwëp txiram txomHe was married last month2.6.1MarriagetxiamoUnspec.tʃiamocfteaɨ1thɨwë tiaɨtxiramv ref.marry, take for self2.6.1Marriage
txirɨ1tʃirɨadvdown toward herepara cá em baixo
txirɨ2tʃɨrɨivcomevemtxee txɨpɨre txie rɨpëh hatxirɨɨ"he caught me, and trousse me up here" "come here"
txitɨhɨtʃitɨhɨlong time, past or futuremuito tempo, passado ou futuro
txitxeritʃitʃeriivhobble, go lame, cripplemancarpata-pɨk txiytxri-a-ɨ athareold people always limp (go lame)
txitxeriaweiv ref.lean against a stink. prop o.s. against a poleapoiar-se num pau
txitxerimoweitʃitʃeri-mowei1v ref.walking with walking-cane, act as limpingagir como manco, andar apoiado num pau2nplame, cripplealejado, manco
txitxëmkoxtʃitʃəmkoʃ, tʃitʃomkoʃncricket blackgrilo preto
txitxënkostʃitʃənkosngrasshopper sp.gafanhoto esp.
txitxotʃitʃo, tʃɨoivfly, to flyvoar
txitxoɨtʃitʃo-ɨivflying, to flyvoando, voarBrasiria ham txa txitxo-hɨrɨmaI flew to Brasilia
txitxoweitʃitʃo-weiinf., to fly, flyingvoar, voandoyãrɨ-ham pɨk txitxomathey flew into the sky
txitxoweykanaotʃitʃowey kanaonairplane (flying-canoe)avião, canoa voadeira7.2.4Travel
airplanetxitxoweykanaoairplane (flying-canoe)
txixeereweitʃiʃe?ere-weiinf. nom.traditions, teaching of ancestorstradição dos anciãosPɨk ɨ̃thak yarɨmo rão hakɨnoh pɨk ia rã-ithë. Pata pɨkɨn heit txixeerema.They don't eat without washing their hands. This is the tradition of the elders.
txɨtʃɨvtmake fire (root)fazer fogo
txɨatʃɨapeer throughespiar, olhar através do buraco
txɨɨtʃɨɨnboil, abscess, inguinal ganglion inflamedgânglio inguinal inflamadotwa twɨɨp-rayo-maI have boils (with fluid coming out)
txɨpɨ1tʃɨpɨcfɨraramaɨtereitxipovtlift, raise uplevantarwa makos txɨpɨ rayo-ɨraise your legs (lit. raise your legs-prog.)wa yɨpɨ-rerɨ-ɨyou lift it up and take it.
txɨpɨ2tʃɨpɨgrow upcrecer
txɨpɨatʃɨpɨ-avtlift up something with hands, pick uplevantar algo com as mãos, pegar