Browse Ninam


txori2tʃorinfish sp. smallpeixe sp.
txoriatʃoriav hot, feverser quente, febre
txorihiwëtʃorihiwəadjlukewarmmorno, tepido
txoriotʃoriov ref.feel hot selfsentir-se com calor.
txoristʃorisi, tʃorisnbirds sp.pássaros vários.
txoris thaitʃoris-thainEuphoniaGaturamo
txorɨtʃorɨ, tʃorɨ-ɨVi/Vtboil, boilingferver, fervendo
txoroahitʃoroahi, tʃorowahicftxaroahinmiss shot, bad huntererrar tiro, caçador ruim6.4.1Hunt
txoroko amasitʃoroko amasinaViolaceus TrogonSurucuá-Pequeno-de- Barriga- Amarela
txorokwamastʃorok-wamas, tʃoroko-masintrogonbico-de-lacre
txotatʃotaadjloose, weakfrouxo fracoantrothote1rothothosynɨteti2 1nosi2
txotetʃotenstart, (root)começo, início, (raiz)
txoteoweytʃoteo-weiinf. nom.starting, to start, beginning, to begincomeçar, iniciarHorai wãha txoteowei..Horai started saying..
txotototʃototonassembly of things, gathering things togethergrupo, reunião de coisas ou pessoastxototowei yãno reobig house to gather people.
txototomaɨtʃototo-ma-ɨVi/Vtgathering, to gather togetherjuntando, reunindo (gente)
txototomaweitʃototo-ma-weiinf. nom.assembly, gathering, causing a gatheringjuntar gente, reunião, reunindo
txototoweitʃototo-weiinf. nom.assemble, to come togetherreunir, reagrupar, reunião
txototowei pɨkëtʃototo-wei pɨk (pɨkə)ncrowd, multitude, gathering peoplemultidão, massa, ajuntamento de pessoaspɨkɨn txototowei-pɨk ha-taketh-ɨn kanawa-ha pata titirema-heThey dispersed the crowd and put the old man in the canoe
txotxotʃotʃontoad, sp. land toad (also generic term)sapo sp. grande sapo de terra (termo genérico)
txotxotamoɨtʃotʃotamo-ɨvtflapping wingsbatendo asaspokoi yoytamonhe is flapping his wings
txowa1tʃowa, tʃoávtattack, fight, (with hand) rootagredir, (com mãos) raiz
txowa2vtfish, to fish with harpoonarpoar, pescar com arpão1.6.1.5Fish
txowaraɨtʃowara-ɨvtspanking, slappingespancando, dando tapa
txowarareitʃowarare-ivtpunishingcastigando, punindo, dar murros em, baterhatin wa txowararem?Who hit it?
txowarareweitʃowa-ra-re-weiinf. nom.punishment, to punish, hittingpunir, castigar, bater, golpearai pɨkɨn kama mɨk txowararewei, kamixan haroowei wãhama...someone to hit his face they covered with cloth and said...