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hamëhëhaməha, haməhinterjlet us go, move (emphatic)embora, embora, vamos
hamiphamipë, hamipnpepper sp. (generic)pimenta, verde ou vermelha
hamipëhami-pəivhot as pepper (used in the plu. form.), spicyardendo como pimenta, arder
hamirihamirivttwist, strain, wring, bend, twine, spraintorcer, distensãotxa mahɨ hamiri ratxo-ma.twisted my feet
hanëparihanəparinfish sp. (small mullet) Common stripped mullet GGcorimatão pequeno.
hanɨhãnɨ̃cfhanɨaɨhanɨraweiUnspec. ofhanɨhanɨrãUnspec. ofhanɨvtcut, to cut (with knife)cortar (com faca)hanɨrãnot cuttinghanɨrãnot cuttinghanɨaɨcut, cutting (flesh)kama si hanɨrare-mahe cut his skinhanɨraweiUnspec.hanɨ-ra-weicfhanɨhanɨaɨhanɨrãUnspec. ofhanɨinf. nom.cutting, to cut with knifetxa hanɨ-rayomaI cut myselfpɨk hanɨ-ratxomathey cut themselveshanɨrãUnspec.han-rã, hanɨ-rãcfhanɨhanɨaɨhanɨraweiUnspec. ofhanɨivnot cuttingpa-t hanɨ-rã, namo pemi.it doesn't cut, it's not amolado.
hanɨaɨhanɨ-a-ɨcfhanɨhanɨraweiUnspec. ofhanɨhanɨrãUnspec. ofhanɨvtcut, cutting (flesh)cortando (carne).mɨtax hanɨrarei.cut the umbilical cord.
hanɨraweihanɨ-ra-weiUnspec. ofhanɨ
hanɨrãhan-rã, hanɨ-rãUnspec. ofhanɨ
hapahapaunspec. var. ofpapa
hapa thëhënpin the beginningno começo, no inicio
hapehɨrɨweihape hɨrɨ-weiinf. nom.going near, to approachir perto, aproximar-se
hapeiha-peienter, come in!entre! (imperativo)
hapeoinha-pe-oincf-nhatinkainkãisp. var. ofkai1kɨpënivwent out (and he-erg.)saiu (ele erg.)pirik-moox thatim he-hape-o-in thek-moox hotxëa-kema.The sower went out to sow and spread the seeds.
haperi1haperi, hapiri questwhat, how?como, o que?
haperi2haperiquestwhich is?qual é ?haperi ipa xakao?Which is my arrow?
haperiha1haperi-haquest onde? onde esta?haperiha wa nini ha?where are you in pain?haperiha ninia?where does it adore?
haperiha2haperi-haquestwhere at?onde ?
haperihamhaperi-hamquestwhere toward?para aonde?
haperinahahaperi-naha, hap-nahaquesthow?como?haperinah wa wãhë kɨa?What's your name again?kamatxa wãhë Ereneto kɨa.My name is Ernesto.
haperinaha wa kɨahaperi-naha wa kɨ-a, hapnah wa kɨaV.ph.how are you?como está você?
haperithëhaperi thəquestwhy, why it? how?por que, por que isso?
haperithëhëhaperi-thəhə, hapiri-thəhə (Alb. questwhen? how-time?quando? quando é que?haperi-hëhë wamak hiripë?How long are you going to dance?
haperithëmɨquestwhen, how much timequando, quanto tempo.haperi themɨ-hë keã-wei pɨk no-kõa-map?when will they pay the workers?
hapihinha-pihi-n, ha-pihi-nəivreflect, consider, ponder, think about, meditaterefletirhei-thëhë thë kɨowei, wa thë ha pihinëreflect on what happened today.