Lightning, thunder

nyankpʋkpie1ɲaŋ͡mk͡pʊ́k͡píeʔ(L)n1thunderNyankpʋ amʋ dekpie dʋbɩ, fialɩ obótswie. It is thundering a lot, perhaps it will rain.cfkpie2 2thunder1.1.3.6Lightning, thunder2small brown scorpionOrder: ScorpionesIn the Northern dialect this is any scorpion, in the southern this is only the big black ones. The little brown ones are aganɛ, borrowed from Ewe. Nyankpʋ kpie is cognate with other Guang languages.Nyankpʋkpie ɔsʋra fʋ a, ɩbʋ ɔsɩn. If a scorpion stings you it is painful.cfaganɛscorpion1.6.1.8Spider
ɔpradaɔprádanthunderNɩ ɔprada tswɩ a, iteyinta atɔ. Ɩtɛtalɩ bɔɩ oyi yiletɔ anyɔ kʋraa.When thunder strikes it destroys things. It can even split a big tree into two., thunderIdiom:ɔprada ibwistone, special
pʋtɩpʊ́tɪ́ vthe crackle of fire; the clap of thunderƆprada lapʋtɩ. Loud thunder has cracked.cfpʋpʋtɩ1crackle1.1.3.6Lightning, thunder5.5.5What fires produceder.pʋpʋtɩ1crackle