Browse Northern Kankanay - English



abooLump on the back of a man's neck from carrying.Bog.2.4Body conditioncfkabobo
abosGone, used up.Naabos nan linakomi ay sabon.The soap we bought is all used up.Ankileng8.
abosangRice gruel cooked with camote or other root crops. inab-abosang.ninab-abosangak is kanen tako pala isnan kag-aw.I cooked rice gruel with camote for us to eat at noon time. from plants
aboyThings to person are smooth in his life.Bog.8.3.7Good
ab-abTo swallow something with much liquid, as soup, beans.Men-ab-abmo nan sanay sopas.Swallow all that soup.
ab-abiikOne's soul, believed to become an anito upon death.Inilana kano nan ab-abiikna.They say he saw his soul.3.1Soul, spirit4.9.2Supernatural beingcfib-ib-a
ab-ablengLarge beetles found on trees. Sagmangab-ableng nan ongong-a isnan kad-an di kaiw.The children catches beetles in the trees.
ab-aboStick used to chase something.Inomset is palaab-abon di manok.He made a stick for chasing the chicken.7.2.6Pursue
adaTo smooth with a blade. -anBog.7.8.3Cutcfkaiskaos
adaemDeep.Adaadem nan kinaotanda.What they dug is very deep.8.2.2Long
adagTo lean against someoneAy kaytem ay men-adag ken sak-en?Do you want to lean on me?7.5Arrange
adalTo learn. naka- Finished a course of schooling.Men-adalka ken daida ay diadal tay getkenda.Learn from the educated people for they know.3.6.2Schoolcfdiadal
adangThe aid or contribution in terms of etag or smoked salted pork, rice, vegetables or dried legumes to a family who is building a house.BesMen-adang si alapo is etag isnan mensas-aad.Grandmother will contribute a piece of etag to the person who is building a house.
adawaTo reach up to get something, as from a high shelf.Adawaem kad nan deey liblo isnan tag-eyna isdi.Please reach that book up there.7.4.3Get
adawagTo cry in pain or to say anina "ouch". men- To beg for something by crying as if in pain.Men-adawag gapo isnan ot-ot di sikina ay nailiso.He cries due to the pain of his sprained leg.Men-adawag siya tay mensakit nan sogatna.He cried in pain because his S3.3.2Request3.5.6.5Cry, tearcfanina
addawiFar.Addaaddawi id Sagada ay nagapowak.Sagada where I came from is very far.
adi1No, not, used with incompleted actions. adiyan/omadi To refuse, resist. iyadi To prohibit. To reject. madiyan An abandoned camote field. men-adi To leave one's spouse.Inadiyana nan intedko ken siya.He refused what I gave him.Adim ikkan nan ibagana tay ngawi.Do not do what he tells you because its bad., notcfadyan
adi2Surely, indeed.Owen adi!Yes indeed!9.3Very
adi payIs it really true...?Adi pay omalika is wakgat?Are you sure to come tomorrow?9.3Very
adigiHouse posts.Nakwas nan adigin nan masas-aad ay baey.The posts of the house being built is finished.6.5.2Parts of a building
adoMany, much.Adoda ay inmali.There are many who came., much
adog1To keep watch, as over a dead person or over water in a field.Inmeyak nakiadog id Besao id kawni.I went to attend watch in Besao a moment ago. for
adog2Small, blue bird.
adognaSeptember, also the name of a bird.