Browse Northern Kankanay - English



bayyonitaBayonet.Menbabayonita nan sosoldadon di sapon id kasin.The Japanese soldiers carry with them bayonet long ago., shoot
bay-anTo leave behind, to not bother; na- Left over.Adoado nan nabay-an ay inoto.There is plenty of left over rice. past, over, through
beatSkin of a pig.Beat nan inidyada ay kowana.They give him the pig skin as his share.
bebanA strip of bika used to tie benge.Menbeban nan men-ani.Those who harvest palay carry with them beban. rice
bebbebeSmall batang trees.Maiyadi nan menpoypoyo is batang.Cutting small trees is prohibited.1.5.1Tree
bebe1Small pine trees. A young pine tree that is stood by the door of the house of the marriage couple if they are strict in following the custom, kinadawyan or pagano.Ninbebeda isnan binommeyanda.They had bebe during their wedding ceremony.1.5.1Tree2.6.1.2Weddingcfbatangkadawyanpaganopamoyowanpoyosenga
bebe2Rice cooked in a large pot that doesn't smell good.Nabebe nan inoto.The rice is half cooked.5.2.1Food preparation
bebe3Hum of a motor.
bebegTo rain hard.No bebegena nan odan et olay adika omey.If it rains hard then you may not go.
bebek1Heavy noise, heavy footsteps.Menbebbebek nan mendaana.His footsteps are heavy when he walks. rain hard.Adika bomala tay nay menbebek nan odan.Don't go out for it starts to rain hard. hard.
bedbedTo bundle something, to tie around something, as a turban.Bedbedem nan kinaiwmo.Bundle the wood you gathered.Ay menbebedbedda?Do they use turban?5.3.6Parts of clothing7.5.4Tiecfgalot1kedkedogden
beddengunspec. var. ofgeddeng
beeTo choke someone to death.Bog.2.6.6Die7.3.4.5Actions of the hand
begas1The flesh of fruit, grain, or meat. ma- To bear fruit. also see makmakan "food", madengdenge "vegetables".Binomgas nan apelda.Their apple bore fruit.2.1Body6.7.8Parts of tools6. rice5.2.3.4Prepared food2The result or "fruit" of one's effort, such as a good job from finishing an educational course.Nan linpasmo isnan oskilaan nan begas di ligatmo.Your course is the fruit of your hardship.3The useful or valuable part of something, as the blade of a knife or tines of forked tools.6.7.8Parts of tools4 A valuable or important bead, often an orange one.begas di benge"the fruit of the benge", Decorations5Flesh.2.1.7FleshcfbalabIlo.dengdenggalotanglam-inglasinglitonmakanpageysedang
begbegTo lose feeling, as from an anesthesia or when limbs "go to sleep".Nabegbeg nan sikik isnan tinmototokdowak.My legs got numbed in my prolonged sitting.2.3.5Sense of touchcfkomeg
begengTo swell.Binomgeng nan bab-ana.His tooth is swollen.2.5Healthy
begew1Good, beautiful.Menbelelegew nan innodina.His younger sibling is very beautiful.8.3.7Good
begew2Reason for, intention.Nan begew ay kinmaanak et tay adiyak kayten nan ik-ikkana.The reason I left is because I don't like what he was doing.
beggangLive coals.Menbagbaggang nan oling.The live coal has strong flame.5.5.5What fires produce
begnasA ceremony done twice a year, after house building in the spring and in about November. The men go look for an omen bird. After they see it, they return to the village shouting the wawe and the begnas begins. It is a 2 or 3 day obaya.Mamegnasda id wani.They perform begnas today.
begnatA relapse of an illness, due to playing or bathing too soon.Nabegnat siya tay naodanan id labi.He had a relapse because he got wet by the rain last night. from sickness
begyasTo rinse off the body, as when bathing.Bog.1.3.3Wetcfkenas
bekaTo dig, to bury. A grave.Menbekada is mani.They dig to gather peanuts.Menbekada is maikaoban san natey ay aso.They dig a place to bury the dead dog.
bekasTo throw something (generic).Men-ibkasmo is gowabna.Just throw it down below.