Browse Northern Kankanay - English



bekbekTo pound fine.Menbekbekak is bagas ay baod.I will pound rice for rice delicacy.7.7.1Hitcfbinaod
bekewSmall, white moth.
beklatPython, spine is used for headdress.Wada nan beklat ay dinpapda.They captured a python.
belad-om- To swell, as rice kernels in cooking.Nabellad nan bagas ay linakona.The rice he bought rises.Bomlad nan popcorn no maoto.The popcorn swells/pops when cooked.5.2.1Food preparation8.1.4.2Increase
belbelwakUterus. organs
benbenTo submerge something liquid.Ibenbenmo nan ewesmo ta nalaklakay malabaan.Submerge your blanket so it is easier to wash.1.3.3Wet
ben-agWine taken to the field.Mam-is nan ben-agda.Their ben-ag is sweet. beverage
bengaFlowers, fruit.Id wani nan pinagbengan di molmola.Now is the time for plants to bear fruit.1.5.6Growth of plants
bengasCallous. Cracked feet. Heel fissures. Thick and flaky layer of skin.Nebengasan nan sikina.His feet is calloused.2.1.4Skin
bengbengSmall, bark is used for headbands or loin cloth.1.5.1Tree
bengdaIn the middle, one half.Sokod mabengda sapay somaa.Until the day is halfed (afternoon) then he comes home.Bengda et kedeng nan men-oblaana.He works for ahalf day only.8.6.5Middle8.1.1Numbercfgedwagedwamabengdamedya
benge1One bundle of harvested rice.Sinbenge nan inidyana ay lagbona.He gave one bundle of rice as his pay. ricecfitingoyon2
benge2Beads worn in the hair.Ninbebenge siya ay makitibew.She wore beads on her hair when she went to attend a native wedding. Decorations
bengetThe edge of anything.Wada nan mola isnan benget nan alad.There is a plant at the edge of the fence.8.6.5Middlecfgingit
bengwasTo tie a bundle of rice or grass carelessly so that some easily slips out.Bog.7.5.4Tiecfkeyay
bengyewPlanted once a year.6.2Agriculture
besaTo forge tools, metal. Blacksmith.Bomebesa nan iKalinga.The people of Kalinga are blacksmiths. with metal
besagSow that has born one litter.As-asi nan betegmo tay nabesag.Your pig is bad for it only can bear one liter.
besatSibling.Daida nan sinbebsat.They are the siblings.4.1.9Kinship
beska1Corn silk.Mabalin ay maitsa nan beskan di ballogo.The corn hair can be drunk as tea.2Moon phase 2. New moon (lit. "corn silk").
beswag-enMenbeswagda isnan bilig ta omaenda.The dig in the mountain to make a camote field.7.8.6Dig
beta1Possibility. Used negatively or rhetorically with a negative inference.Ay ngan di beta ken sik-a is adim patiyen nan mibagbaga.What can be done to you, you do not obey what is told you to do. verbs
beta2To swell.Binomma nan sikina isnan menpoos.His legs swell due to the heat.
betaayBetween two people, objects, places.Tinmokdo siya isnan betaay da Maria ken Juana.He sat between Maria and Juana.
betad-en To call someone, to summon, by word or motion, shout as in fire.Menbetad nan ipogaw no wada nan poo.People shout to relay to the others when there is fire.