Browse Northern Kankanay - English



bistayonmen- To hang on something, of a person.Menbistayonda isnan sangan di kaiw.They hanged themselves on the tree branch.
bistidaA dress.Nakabistida siya issan nakimisaanda.She wore a dress when they went to mass.5.3Clothing
bitagTo open the eyes.Bitagem nan matam ta mailam nan ik-ikkana.Open wide your eyes so you can see what he is doing.
bitbit-en To carry by grasping something in one hand, as the edge of a can or carton or the arm of a child. To hold by handle of something hanging.Binitbitna nan sambag isnan ninmalkitanda.He grasped the handle of the bag when they went to market.Maid pabbitbitan nan sambagna.His bag has no handle.
bitibitLate, small produce; of green peppers, beans.Nabitibit nan sanada ay botilas.These beans are the left overs (not well formed).1.5.7Plant diseases
bitilFamine.Nabitil nan esekda.Their plants was affected by famine. failure1.1.3Weather4.4.2.4Disaster
bitinHold something hanging down.Naibibitin isnan kaiw.It is hanging on a tree.Binibitina nan kalni ay nang-iyali.He just held the meat he brought to me.
bitking-en To carry by grasping something in one hand, as the edge of a can or carton or the arm of a child.Adim bitbitkingen si Syatzi ta adi magpong nan edegna.Do not grasp in one hand Syatzi so its backbone won't break.7.3.1Carrycfbilalay
bitlay-en To carry by grasping something in one hand, as the edge of a can or carton or the arm of a child.Bog.7.3.1Carrycfbilalay
bitlingStones or soil built up to the boards around the outside of the house.Ineskana is sabsabong nan bitling di baeyda.She planted flowers around their bitling.6.5.2Parts of a building
bitoA pit trap for wild animals or people.Binitowanda nan baka tay adi kadpap.They pit trapped the cow for they could not catch it.6.4.1Hunt
bitotoA basket-plate for rice.Bitotowenda nan inoto isnan kikan.They put in a bitoto the rice during an eating session. utensilcfakopangiyagkoppit
bit-angTo break off a fragment of food.Bit-angena nan tinapay ta agtana nan asona.He broke off a fragment of the bread to give to his dog.7.8.1Breakcfpit-ing
biyadi- Strengthen; of the voice or in doing somethingIbiyadmo nan kalim tay adiyak makadnge.Speak louder for I can't hear., brittle
biyagLife.Nabiyag am-in nan esekko.All my plants grew (alive).2.6Life
biyahiTo travel.Menbiyahiyak is wakgat.I will travel tomorrow. past, over, through
biyalnisFriday. of the week
biyangResponsibility, duty.Biyangem id wani ta is mamingsan ken sak-en.Now is your turn and next time for me.4.7Lawcfnangamong
bobidaCeiling.Binobidaanda nan kosina.They put a board on the ceiling of the kitchen.6.5.2Parts of a building
boboCooked rice.Ay waday binoboyo?Do you have cooked rice? from plants
bobodYeast, also called asin di makan "salt of food".Bobodam nan sapowem is tapey.Put yeast in the rice wine you make. beverage
bobonA well.Binobonda nan sag-enda.They made a well near them.Bobonenda nan menbala isnan om-ada.They dig a well where there is water coming out in their field.1.3Water7.8.6Dig
bobongTop ridge of a thatched roof, cap of the roof, made with long cogonBobonganda nan sassaadenda id wani.They put now the roof of the house they are building.
boboongRuno reed.Sinegbatda nan boboong ta maipadek isnan botilas.They slashed the runo reeds for the beans to climb on.1.5.3Grass, herb, vine
bob-okHairpiece, often made from owner's hair, book.Menbob-ok siya no men-apang.She puts on her hairpiece when she put her beads.2.1.5Hair5.4.1.1Head Decorationscfbook