Browse Northern Kankanay - English



demegThe sacrifice of a chicken when the posts of a house are set. When the house is completed, a pig is sacrificed.Dinemganda nan baeyda ay sapsapowenda.They performed demeg sacrifice to their house being built. with buildings
dem-agSugar mixed with doom.Bog. ingredients
dem-asA heavy rain, but not a typhoon.Nindem-as issan wakgat.It rained heavily this morning.
denasTo wash legs.Denasanda nan ongong-a isnan labi sadapay maseyep.They wash the legs of the children before they sleep.5.6.2Bathe
denatTo warm.Dentanda nan daopan ta padenatena nan baey.They start fire on the fireplace to warm the house.8.3.4Hot
dendeni-Idendenmo issa ta tomokdowak.Move over there so I can sit.Ilo.7.3Move something
denetTo light a fire.Mendenetka isnan dapowan.Light a fire in the cooking area.5.5.1Light a fire
deney1Nabannog siya tay deney dapay adi et makadaan.He is tired for he nearly can not walk.8.4.8Speed2At last, finally.Inkoykoykoyana nan sokilda ngem deney dat menbaes.He had been giving in to their cruelty but finally he revenged. somethingcfmadney
dengdeng-en, men- To cook vegetables. Vegetables.Ngan di madengdeng id wani?What vegetables will we cook today?5.2.3Types of foodcfbegasmakan
denge-en To listen, to hear. i- to listen and do what is said.Ay makadngeka?Can you hear?Idngem nan makmakwani dakat patiyen.Listen to what is said and obey.2.3.2Hear4.5.4.1Obeycfidnge
dengyasTo spill some rice when pounding.Bog. ricecfdegyas
depaAn arm span.Sindepa et kedeng nan pao ay masapolna.The stick he needs is only an arm span.8.2.8Measure
depagi- To lie on one's back.Mendepagka no maseyepka.Lie on your back when you sleep.7.1.3Lie down
depap-en To capture something or someone.Dinpapda nan manok ta paltiyenda.They captured the chicken so they will butcher it.Nadpap nan deyday mensogsogal ay oongong-a.The children gambling were captured.4.8.3War7.4.3Get
depdepTo extinguish a field fire by beating it out.Inmeyda dinepdepan nan apoy isnan bilig.They went to extinquish the fire in the mountain.5.5.3Extinguish a fire
deppasA cliff, a steep mountain slope.Naekdag nan aso isnan deppas.The dog fell on the cliff.
desak1Pullet, smaller than opa.
desak2Seedlings of the batang.1.5.1Tree
desdes1To trample grain to remove it from the stalk.Men-idesdesmo nan pagey ta maipadog.Trample the rice grain for seedling. rice
desdes2To cut to clear a space.Desdesanda nan daan.They cleared the pathway.7.8.3Cut
desnagunspec. var.dosnog3-en To hit with the end of a stick, post, pestle.Indosnogna nan kaiw ken siya.He hit him with a wood.7.7.1Hit
dessaagDisembark from a conveyance.Mendessaag kami id Poblasion.We will disembark at the Poblacion. down
deswangTo give way, to pass.Ideswangyo ta mendaan siya.Give way so he will pass through. past, over, throughcfkiwang
detdeti- To fix by putting boards tight together.Idetdetmo nan diding.Fix tightly the boards of the wall.6.1Work
detekTo girdle a tree to kill it.Dinetekanda nan batang sadapay poyowen.They girdled the pine tree before they will cut it down.7.8.3Cut