Browse Northern Kankanay - English



diyalkitSmallest rice wine jar. wine jars
diyatTo suddenly open the eyes wide.Idiyatmo ay gawis nan matam ta kaanek nan botana.Open wide your eyes so I can remove the thing that entered it.
diyis108.1.1.1Cardinal numbers
diyokA ravine between hills, as a creek bed.Nadidiyok nan kad-anda.Their place is in between hills.
dobdobKind of cloud that comes from the east.
dodonGrasshopper, edible.
dodonoWedding season in some areas.Pinagdodono id Sagada id wani.It is the wedding season in Sagada this time.
dodosi- To leave, neglect.Maiwed kinwasna tay idododosna nan oblana.Nothing is accomplished for he neglected his work. past, over, through
dodotTo poke something into something, to cause harm, as a stick into a hole to poke a rat.Dinodotna nan baey di aleg isonga naketban siya.He poked the house of the bees so he was bitten. in
dodowaTo be in doubt.Mendodowa no makkey is wakgat wenno adi.He is doubtful if he comes along tomorrow or not.3.2Thinkcfdowadowa
dodoyFatty meat.Archaic5.2.3.2Food from animalscftaba
dod-okTo poke something into a bundle or bunch of something, as another stick to tighten a bunch of wood or thatch into a roof.Idod-okmo nan sokodmo isnan deey kad-an di logam ta maid mangala.Poke your cane there at the grasses so nobody will get it. in
dogat1ma- For the hair, dotdot, to stand on end from fear or cold.Nadogat nan bookna gapo is egyatna.His hair stood on end due to fear.2.2Body functions2Straight and upward-like hair.2.1.5Haircfdotdot
dogdog-en To send someone to get something To force.Adyana ay omey ngem dinogdogna siya.He does not want to go but he forced him.3.5.1Say
dogisRepulsive, dirty.Kadodogis nan sikina.His feet is very dirty.5.6.1Clean, dirty8.3.7.1Bad
dogoCorner.Idodogom isdi ta adika menseseyat.Move over that corner so you will not block.8.6.5Middle
dogong1Woven chicken house.Dinogongna nan manok.He put the chicken in the woven chicken house.6.3.6Poultry raising2Pig pen, includes pokok and tabbak.Bog.
dogongen-en To put chickens in their shelter.Dogongena nan manok ay minasdem.He puts the chicken in their shelter every afternoon. in6.3.6Poultry raising
dogosi- To push.Idogosda nan logan ay naistak.They push the car that was stucked on the way.
dogyotPerson who does dirty things.Dinodogyot nan ik-ikkana.He acts with dirty manners.5.6.1Clean, dirty
dokadokTo poke a stick into a hole to drive something or someoneDinokadokna nan baey di koton ta bomalada.He poked with a stick the house of the ants so they will come out. in
dokawMen's pocket book, usually an animal's bladder.Mendodokaw nan aamam-a no omeyda makibingit.The old men use a dokaw when they go to get a share of meat in a senga.
dokkang?Wires to operate scarecrow.6.2Agriculture
doklosTo collide.Dinoklos nan logan nan baked.The vehicle collided on the fence.7.7.1Hit