Browse Northern Kankanay - English



igad2Responsibility, choice, "It's up to you."Igadka ay mangpakan isnan talaken tay nay komaanak.You are responsible to feed the pets for I am leaving.4.7Lawcfkigad
igad3To grate coconut or carrot etc.Inpaigadko nan niyog.I let somebody grate the coconut. from plants
igasKerosene.Naamin nan igas.The kerosene is consumed.5.5.6Fuel
igat1Kind of bird.
igat2Kind of snake.Ilo.
igebDull, as of knife edges.Palidem nan gipan tay naigeb.Sharpen the knife for it is dull.synlele2sese18.3.2.3Sharpcfobeg
igidThe edge of anything.Igid di baybay nan kad-anda.Their place is at the edge of the sea.8.6.5Middlecfig-idkilin2pag-idseleg
igod1A stone used to rub in washing. -an To rub with igod.Igodam ay gawis nan sikim.Rub well with stone your feet.7.7.5Rub5.6.2Bathe21.2.2.2Rock3bathing stone1.2.2.2Rockcfledled
igolotMountain people in general. Used by people in this area to designate themselves and their language.Nan kaigolotan et bilbilg ngem nan kaIlo.wan et mabaybay.The place of the igorots is mountainous while the lowlanders is the sea.
igopTo drink the broth of viand.Men-igop tako tay mentedek.We drink soup for it is cold.
igwaTo put something down, to give.Igwam nan sapatosmo isnan sambag.Put your shoes on the bag. downcfpigwan
ig-idTo move over, can be farther than seleg.Ipag-idyo nan palato ta adi menseseyat isnan lamisaan.Move over the plates so it will not block the table.7.3Move somethingcfigidipag-idseleg
iitawTo dream.Iniitawna kano ay mensalsala siya ay es-esa.He dreamed that he is alone dancing.5.7.2Dream
ikanFish.Ikan nan sidada id wani.Their meal now is fish.
ikasoPay attention to, Give importance.Adina ikaskaso nan ibagbagak ken siya.He does not pay attention to what I am telling him.
ikeg1To have a persistent cough, as with TB.Men-ikeikeg siya isnan labi.He coughs persistently at night time.2.5.2Disease2Cough.2.2.2Cough, sneeze
ikgingTo make dry by draining the water, as dry soil.Inikgingna nan payewna.He drained the water of his ricefield to make it dry.
ikikTo catch birds with a net strung a cross a cleared section on the top of a mountain. A bright light is used to attract the birds.Pinag-iikik isnan bowan di Septembre enggana ay Pebrero.The ikik season is during the months of September to February.6.4.3Hunting birds
ikitAunt.Nan besat inana ay ikitda nan inmali.His mother's sibling is their aunt who came.4.1.9Kinship
ikkab-en To climb up something.Ikkabmo kad nan naay isnan atep.Please climb to bring these to the top of the roof.Ilo. upcfkaab
ikkanTo do somethingAdo nan maikkan isnan wakgat.There are many things to be done in the morning.6.1Work
ikoTail.Adim gen-gen-an nan ikon nan aso ta adina ketban sik-a.Do not hold the tail of the dog so it will not bite you.1.6.2Parts of an animal
ila1-en To see.Men-inila tako is wakgat id isdi.We will see each other there tomorrow.2.3.1See2Look.
ilaenTo look or see.