Browse Northern Kankanay - English



kaso1Pay attention to, Give importance.Adim iman od ikaskaso siya.You do not even pay attention to him.
kaso21Crime, stronger than basol, includes robbery, murder.Naikaso siya isnan nanggepakana isnan salming di logan.He was investigated for breaking the glass of a vehicle. legal case.Wada nan kasona isnan polis.He has a case with the policemen.4.7Lawcfbasol
kassodBrother-in-law (sister's husband or spouse's brother.)Daida nan sinkassod tay sin-agi kami ken asawana.They are brother-in-law for we are siblings with his wife.4.1.9Kinship
kas-aTo begin.Ikas-ana id kalsa enggana id baeyda ay mangbilbilang isnan gatina.He began counting his steps from the road to their house. something
kas-anoHow.Kas-ano ka pay?How are you? words
katagoFood or money for a living.Entako makilagbo ta waday ikatago tako.We work to earn so we have something to sustain us.2.6Life
katagowanOne's living.Nan makan nan katagowan di ipogaw.The food is the life of the people.2.6Lifecftago
katam1-om- To be added to, as to a family.Kinmatam dadlo nan naamas ay onga.At last the lost child came home.
katam2A wood plane.Katamem nan tabla ta sadapay ipakpak isnan diding.Plane the board before they stand it as a wall.6.7Tool
kategLike, similar to.Id Besao kateg kano id America.Besao is like America they say.Besao8.
katew-enanAge mate.Katew-enan nan anakmo nan anakko.Your child and my child are age mates.8.4.1Period of time
katinA narrow bed with a built-in headrest.Adyanda ay maseyep isnan katin.They do not like to sleep in the katin.
katkatanA short top4.2.7Play, fun
katlonaThe third, hence three days from now.Somagong kami is katlona.We will return three days from now.8.4.6Aspectual time
katogi-/an To tell lie.Menkatokatog siya.He is always lying.Besao3. a liecfeteklastog1
katoganganParent-in-law.Wada da katogangana..His parents-in-law are here..4.1.9Kinship
katolsi148.1.1.1Cardinal numbers
katong1Camote tops.BesDinengdeng na nan katong.She cooked the camote tops.1.5.5Parts of a plant2Camote plant on a rootcrop land, part of the camote plant for pig food. (Agawa)BesBinedbed na nan ange.She bundled the cut camote plants. of a plantcfange
katongawA sty.Nakatongaw siya tay mensilisilip kano.He has a sty for they say he keeps on peeping.2.5.2Diseasecfangeting-ew
kat-oboEdible weed or plant. classed as 'daos'
kawa1mai- Not feeling well because of some change, as temperature, place, etc.Menpodot tay naikkawa isnan tedek isna.He has fever for he was not used to the cold here.3.4.2Feel bad
kawa2-en To reach inside something to get somethingKawaem nan bolsam ta ilam no wada nan an-anapem issa.Reach inside your pocket to find what you are looking for.7.6.1Searchcfkapakapokapkawakaw
kawakaw-en To search by feel, by reaching into something.Bog.7.6.1Searchcfkapakapokapkawa2
kawakewSmall rice wine jar, only for rice wine. wine jars
kawalChainKinawalana nan asona tay menketeb.He put a chain in his dog for it bites., string