Browse Northern Kankanay - English



kaya1i- Mix with the hand, as to sort through papers or find something in a box.Kinayana nan kalton isnan mang-anapana isnan papelesna.He sorted the box looking for his papers.7.5.3Mix2To scratch in dirt.Kinayan di manok nan lota isnan mentopekanda.The chicken scratched the soil to find their food. movement
kayabkabTo flap wings.Kinayabkaban di manok nan kin-oyna.The chicken flapped its wings to its chicks. movement
kayaengkengTo tremble from fear or cold.2.2Body functions
kayakayTo wear loose long clothes that reaches the ground.Nakakayakay nan pantalonmo.Your pants is loose that it reaches the ground.
kayangSmall rice wine jar, only for rice wine. wine jars
kayapkapFor vines to crawl, as squash, camote.Bog.1.5.6Growth of plantscfkalatkat1
kayatWant, like, love.Kakakayatna ay makkey ngem adi ipalobos inana.He wants very much to come along but his mother won't allow him.
kayedThe roar of an earthquake.Tadian1.1.3Weather
kayegTo move, causing a creaking, as a house in the wind.Bog.7.3Move somethingcfwedwed
kayegkegmen- To tremble, from fear, tiredness, or cold.Menkayegkeg siya isnan tedek.He trembles due to the cold.2.2Body functions
kayetStill (contrary to expectation).Ipapatina kayet ay omey.He still insists to go.9.2Part of speech
kayewThe going of the men to look for the omen bird. Formerly to look a victim for headhunting.Menkayewda nan amam-a.The old men go to kayew.
kaykay1-en To work the soilMenkaykayda is sabado isnan om-a.They will cultivate the camote field on saturday. a field2-en To dig.7.8.6Dig
kaymanDoubt removed.Egayko kayman inbaga ken daida ay wada miting is wakgat.I did not tell them that there is a meeting tomorrow. verbs
kayoYou, plural.Omali kayo am-in is wakgat.Come, all of you, tomorrow.9.2.3Pronouns
kayobetbetWrinkled, of people.Nakayobetbet nan angasna.His face is wrinkled.
kayong1A bump on the head from a fall.Kinmayong nan kitongna.His forehead is swollen from a bump.2.5Healthy
kayong2Friend.Si kayong ay Juan nan wada.Friend Juan is the one present.4.1Relationships
kayos1Easily sliding soil, a landslide.Nakyos nan lota isnan bilig ay sag-en di kalsa.The soil of the mountain near the road had a slide., dirt
kayos2To scrape off the surface, as a banana with a spoon.Kayosem nan baat.Scrape off the banana.7.8.3Cut
kaysanLong time.Kaysanda et inomdan.They arrived a long time already. time
kayyabang1Collar, wings. Something worn at the upper back.Annaannawa nan kayyabang nan badona.The collar of his shirt is very wide.5.3.6Parts of clothing2Tumpline basket.
kay-asGuava.Besao1.5.1.2Fruit trees
kay-at-en To travel upward, ascend.Komay-atka id ngato ta enka ilan daida.Go up to see them. up
kay-engi- Quiet, not moving, to quiet loud talking or activities, either a crowd or children playing.Bog.7.2.7Not moving3. nothingcfkin-e1