Browse Northern Kankanay - English



keangEarthworm, round worms.Nakeangan nan betegna.His pig has worms.
kebaThe ceremony to stop a storm. The men go to the edge of the village and call on Kaboniyan and anitos to stop the storm, then an old man dancesusing a blanket, but no gongs.
kebasThe other side.Menkebas kayo isdi ta sab-atek dakayo.Go to the other side and I will meet you there. location
kebkebRapid pulse from fear, said to be the beating of the lung.Menkebkebkebak is egyatko id kawni.I had a rapid heartbeat of fear awhile ago.2.1.2Torso
kedag-en To chase.Kedagen nan aso nan kosa.The dog chase the cat.7.2.6Pursue
kedasEpilepsy.Menkedas nan ib-ada.Their companion is epileptic.2.5.2Disease
kedawTo give as a gift; - To hand something.Menkedawak ken daida is madengdeng.I beg from them vegetables.7.4.1Give, hand tocfpakdaw
kedem1To blink.Ikedem mo nan matam.Close your eyes. close the eyes.Ikedem mo nan matam ta maseyep ka.Close your eyes and sleep.
kedeng1Enough, finished, only.Kinomdeng ken daida am-in nan inotom.The food you cooked was enough among them., proper2Enough, "stop".Kedeng et ta isaldengmo ay menkalikali.That's enough, so stop talking., much3Only.Siya di et kedeng nan inyalina.He gave me that only.9.2Part of speechcfkomdeng
kedet1Poison.Ado nan kalasin di kedet ay mailaklako.There are many kinds of poison being sold. a curse on someone. Poisoned through witchcraft.Kinedtanda kano si amana.They say, they poisoned his father.4.9Religion8.3.7.1Bad
kedeyEyebrow, eyelashes.2.1.1Head
kedkedTo tie up, bind. -anBog.7.5.4Tiecfbedbedgalot1ogden
kedmanA vine with small sour fruit. trees
kedseCruel, naughty.Makedse si iyon-ana.His older sibling is cruel.
kedyangA small frog. Sag.)
kedyat1men- To raise ones eyebrows in assent or greeting.Kinedyatana sik-a ya id kawni.He winked at you a while ago.7.1.9Move a part of the body2To wink.
keegi- To be quiet and not answer what is said, to ignore a question or command.Olay bab-aaenda danapay kayet ikekeeg.Even if they keep commanding him he still ignored it. nothing
kegkegunspec. var. ofkanega
kega1k'egaunspec. var. ofkanega
kega2-an To summon someoneOmeyda kegaen nan ag-ida id Bangaan.They go to summon their relatives in Bangaan.
kegang1Dry season.Nakgang nan payew.The ricefield is dried.
kegas1To be startled.Naikegasan dadlo siya isnan inmaliyanyo.He was relieved of being startled when you came.
kegas2Bare of fruit after harvesting.1.5.7Plant diseases
kegkegTo hit the back or chest.Kegkegem nan edegna tapno makaanges.Punch his back so he could breath.7.7.1Hit
kegkeg-angChest, Breast boneBesao2.1.6Bone, joint