Browse Northern Kankanay - English



kesePhew!, an interjection when one smells something bad.Menkese nan ototmo.Your flatus smells bad.2.3.4Smell
kesenTo shrink.Kinomsen nan sapingna.His pants shrunk.
kesetRice or vegetables scorched from too little water.Nakset nan dinengdengmo.The viand you cooked is scorched.5.2.1Food preparation
kesnegTo trip and fall, landing on one's seat.Naikesneg siya isnan agdan.He tripped and fell on the steps.
kestangEasily broken. -enBog., take apartcfsokpot
ketMild surprise.Baken ket.It is not ha. verbs
ketaSmall variety of tree with hard wood valued for handles of tools.1.5.1Tree
ketangDitch, channel for water.Ketangenda nan daan di danom isnan payewda.They make a ditch for the water to pass through in their ricefield.1.3Water
keteSmall tobacco leaves.5.2.4Tobacco
keteb-an BiteKinetban di aso siya.He was biten by a dog., chewcfbangetketketban
ketketTo gnaw on somethingKinetket di otot nan sapatosna.A rat gnawed his shoes., chew
ketketbanEdible flying insect, found in fields.
ket-ab1To be struck by lightning. Nan bagilat nan menket-ab ngem aped kido nan kankananda. "The lightning is the one to strike but the thunder is just their speech."Naket-ab kano si alapona.They say his grandparent was struck by lightning.2Loud and booming grumble or growl during thunderstorms., thundercfbagilatkido
ket-an1A variety of snail.Tibtibam nan ket-an.Chop off the end of the ket-an.1.6.1Types of animalscfladangan
ket-an2Kind of large rice wine jar5. wine jars
kewagTo spread something out, as rice to dry.Kewagem nan ilik ta maango ay gawis.Spread the rice grains so it will be well dried., scatter
kewaniTo say.Kinwanina en awnit kasin omali.He said that he will come again.3.5.1Saycfkinwanimakwanimangwanipangwani
kewas-en Finish. Not used in BesaoKewasem nan oblam ta datat omey.Finish your work then we will go.
kewekewTo poke a finger or fingers into a hole and turn them.Kinewekewna nan eengna isonga nasogat.He poked his finger in his nose so he injured it. incfkewkew
kewkewTo poke a finger or fingers into a hole and turn them.Kinewkewna nan eengna.He kewkew his nose. incfkewekew
keyat-an To stop the flow of urine.Nakyatan nan isbona tay nakibtot.His urine stopped to flow for he was startled. something
keyay-en To loosen.Keyayek nan balikesko tay nabsonabsogak.I will loosen my belt for I am very full.
key-abTo fan, stir up the air.Key-abam nan apoy ta bomidang.Fan the fire to make it strong7.3.1.3Shake
kibadTo chop, nick.Kinibadna nan kaiw.He chopped the wood., take apart
kibbaksomething large falling.Nakibbak siya isnan naekdagana.He hit hard the ground when he fell.