Browse Northern Kankanay - English



kaltibScissors.Kaltibem nan sanada ay papel.Cut those papers.6.7Tool
kaltonA carton, cardboard box.Ikaltonmo am-in nan liblo.Put all the books in a carton.5.1.1Furniture
kam'a1Hand crafted, such as woven, crocheted, knitted, baskets. Old term.Menkama nan ooskila is basket ya owes.The students hand weave baskets and quilts. cloth2men- To make a kinnama "string ball"; -en To make a spec. kind of kinnama, such as a large one.Kinamada nan koltinada.They wove their curtains.4.2.7Play, funcfkinnama
kama1A free standing bed.Ado nan kama isnan baeyda.There are many beds in their house. raised plot or bed for vegetables. -en To make a garden into kama.Kamaenda nan eskanda is lipolyo.They make beds to plant cabbage. a fieldcfkinnama
kamaligBed, sleeping place.Naseyepda isnan kamalig.They slept on the bed.
kamalinA granary.6.5.1Buildingcfabongagamangatepbawibinangiyandap-ayebganinagamanginatepunspec. comp. form ofatepkalapawsagsagokotenokbob
kamanIlo.Road maintenance worker.NinkamkamanIlo.siya id kasin.He had been a road maintenance worker long ago.6.6Occupation
kamangTo over take, to consult a higher person as in officials or judge.Ikamangmo nan problemam isnan kapitan di barrangay.Consult the baranggay captain regarding your problem.
kamanga1Limestone, hard.
kamanga2Large crab.
kamataConjunctivitis.Ado nan nakamata ay oskila id wani.Many students has sore eyes now.2.5.2Diseasecflatog2
kamatisTomato.Kinamatisana nan bilis ay inpilitona.He put tomatoes on the dried fish he fried. vegetables5. from vegetables1.5.3Grass, herb, vine
kamayTo scratch lightly, to handle something as food.Kinamakamayna nan kanena.He scratched many times his food. of the hand
kambaTo massage the back by pressing with fingertips.Menkambakambam kad nan edegko.Will you please press my back.
kambidTo sew by hand.Bog.6.6.1Working with cloth
kamemengTo press hard someone's mouth or the face with the fingers.Menkamemengko man sik-a no adim patiyen nan kanak.I will press hard your face if you do not obey to what I tell you. of the hand
kamenMat.Kamenanda nan kamada.They put a mat on their bed.
kamesWeeds in flooded fields. -an To remove kames.pinagkakames id wani isnan paypayew.Now is the time to remove the weeds in the ricefields.1.5.3Grass, herb, vine
kamiWe, excluding you.Omey kami am-in makibabayas id Baguio.We are all going to attend the wedding celebration in Baguio.9.2.3Pronouns
kamiingA small bite.Bog., chewcfkitib1
kamilingSores that cover an area, said to be cured by drying mango leaves.Nakamiling siya.He has kamiling.synapas2.5.2.2Skin diseasecfapas
kamimi1Mumps. In chickens, swelling in head and eye.Nakamimi siya isonga egay nakioskila.He had mumps therefore he did not go to school.Inagasana nan manokna ay nakamimi.He treated his chicken which is affected with kamimi.
kamisilsilyoMale underwear.Ninkakamisilsilyo et kedeng nan anakna.His son has on an underwear only.5.3Clothing
kamisitaA tee shirt.Menkakamisitaak et kedeng.I will wear a tee shirt only5.3Clothing