Browse Northern Kankanay - English



kamitunspec. var.ngamit1To catch fire from being close.Bog.5.5.1Light a fire
kamiwetTo be fast to do somethingMenkamiwet ay omey mangila koma dat obpay nakwas et nan ikkanda.He went fast to hopefully see what is to be done but then it's already finished.8.4.8Speed
kamkam-en To gather weeds, trash in a bunch, as to burn.Kamkamem nan sanada ay logam ta mapoowan sapay omodan.Gather those weeds and burn them before it rains.7.5.1Gather
kammaliMistake.Ninkamaliyak issan kinwanik.I made a mistake of what I said.Tag.
kamoFast, to hurry.Ikamom ta adika mataynan.Hurry so you will not be left.8.4.8Speed
kamogayFood left on the plate. -en To leave food on the plate.Ponasam nan sanada ay kamogay isnan lamisaan.Wipe those food crumbs on the table.5.2.2Eatcfbogay2
kamolalaSexual intercourse outside marriage.Makikamkamolala siya isonga pinakaan katogangana ay lalaki.He does kamolala therefore his father-in-law drove him away.2.6.1Marriage
kamolasLarge tree variety.1.5.1Tree
kamoloAcne.Nakomolowan siya tay makialem kano.He has pimples for they say he has a sweetheart.Ilo. disease
kamonakenNephew, niece.Kamonaken lakayko siya.He is my husband's nephew.4.1.9Kinshipcfkaanakan
kamoogA lump or protrusion, as Adam's apple, kneecap.Komakamoog nan naipagpag isnan kitongna.His forehead has a lump for it was bumped.2.1Body
kamorasMeaslesAy nakakamoraska et?Have you already been sick with measles?Ilo.2.5.2Diseasecfemes2
kamosantoCemetery.Kinamosanto din amana.His late father was buried in the cemetery.
kamotTo grow upward, to climb, as bean plants do.Bog.1.5.6Growth of plantscfkaabkawat
kamowanA jar-shaped basket for storing rice.5.1.1Furniturecfkinamowan
kampilanLarge bolo.6.7.1Cutting tool
kamposoA kind of top.4.2.7Play, fun
kampoti-/-an To lie, deceive.Menkampokampot si innodim.You younger sibling always tell a lie. a lie
kam-anoyProbably not. For something to be doubtful.Olay no kaat di ikkam ngem kam-anoy kayet sa.Even how much effort you do, it is not sure yet. verbs3.2Think
kam-eTo feel for snails in the mud.Menkam-eda is ket-an isnan payew.They feel for snails in the ricefield.6.4.5Fishingcfkam-o
kam-oTo feel for snails or mudfish in the mud.Menkam-oda is dalag isnan payew.They feel for mudfish in the ricefield.6.4.5Fishingcfkam-e
kanTo eat.5.2.2Eatcfkakankakankanenkikanmakanmanganpakan
kananTo say.Kankananda en adi katoloy nan kasal.They are saying thet the wedding will not go on.3.5.1Say
kananawRitual song.Somaa tako no makwasda ay menkananaw.We will go home after the kananaw song.
kanangkangClank. The loud and sharp sound of metal when hit by somewthing solid.Tomoweng nan kanangkang nan boti ay palpallaladen nan ongong-a isnan kalsa.The clanking of the can being dragged by the children on the road is a deafening. of soundscfkakangkakangkanigong