Browse Northern Kankanay - English



law-iganA poetic name for Sagada.9.7Name
layaGinger. from plants1.5.4Moss, fungus, algae
layadWant, like, love.Laylaydena nan anakna.He loves very much his child.
layas1To run away from home.Linmayas siya.He ran away from home.1.6.4Animal actions
layas2A barren sow.Linmayas nan betegna.His sow is barren.
layawTo go away.Lomayaw tako isna ta entako men-anap is gag-awis ay mentean.We leave this place and go to look for a better place to stay. past, over, through
layetTough.Menlayet nan naay tinapay.This bread is tough., firm
layew1A rice field, payew, that has deep, soft mud that retains moisture.Gawis nan pagey isnan payewna tay layew nan lotana.The palay in his ricefield is good for its soil is layew. field2A ricefield that is always full of water.1.3Watercfkanispayew
laylay1-en Wilted, limp.Nalaylay nan petsay ay linakowana.The pechay he bought is wilted.5.2.1Food preparation1.5.7Plant diseases2i- To hang something down, as a blanket out the window.Sana ay menlaylaylay nan lopot ay ginegen-am.The cloth you are holding is hanging.
layog-om- To go down, descend (generic).Lomayogka isnan agdan ta omalika.Come down the stairs. downcflamag
layos1A flood, to flood.Nalayos nan ilida id Baba.Their town in the lowlands is flooded.1.3.2Movement of water2Flood.
leba1To slide, of soil.Bog., dirt2To make a field, either to repair an old one or make a new one. To flatten.Menlebbada isnan payewda.They flatten their ricefield.unspec. var.lebba16.2.2.2Plow a fieldcfgedaylebba2
lebawA hole or pit. -an To fall into a lebaw.Nalbawan siya isnan ketang tay mentatangad ay mendad-aan.He fell into the canal for he was looking up while walking.7.8.6Dig
lebba1unspec. var. ofleba 2To make a field, either to repair an old one or make a new one. To flatten.
lebba2Lebbaenda nan nakamakama ay galdin.They flatten the plots of the garden. a fieldcfleba
lebbengAuthority. men- Officials.Daida nan menlelebbeng isna.They are the officials(ones in authority) here.4.7Law
lebekThe process of squeezing and cooking sugar cane juice.Menlebekda isnan ili isnan nay domingo.They do lebek in this town this week. product
lebenThe day of burial.Ilebenda nan natey id wani.They bury the dead today.
leblebTo water in; of something living.Inleblebna nan aso isnan danom.He drowned(put inside the water) the dog.1.3.3Wet
lebwatTo start to go somewhere.Malobwatda is wakgat.They will start tomorrow. something
leb-angi-,-an To fertilize dry fields, om-a, with plants, especially sunflowers or grass.Bog. a fieldcflodon
ledengArm and hand. (Tadian - fingers only.)Naledenganka ngalod, kodkodam adi nan men-gate isnan awakmo.You have hands, why not scratch the itchy part of your body.
ledled-en To rub hand when bathing.Ledledem nan no men-emeska.Rub with your hand your dirt when you take a bath.7.7.5Rub5.6.2Bathecfigod
leemThe inside of something (Mainly of a house) Not used in BesaoSonggep kayo id leem.Go inside the house.antdeya8.5.1.4Inside