Browse Northern Kankanay - English



letletTo tie around something. -anInletleletletna nan balikesna ta adi makak-aan.He tied around well his belt so it is not easily removed.7.5.4Tiecfleletan
letwadTo work soil. -enLetwadem nan kaykayem ta adi nalaka ay tomobo nan logam.Turn over the soil when you cultivate so the grass will not grow easily. a field
lewasA bad omen when there is no gall bladder, pidis., divination
leyleyTo tear out something, as stitching.Lineyleyna nan owesna.He tore the edges of his blanket.7.8.4Tear, rip
libakTo answer falsely. Deny.(Ilo. and Besao)Ilibakna kayet olay no egyatenda siya.He still denies even if they frighten him. a lie
libayExtreme stomach pain, usually of short duration.Naliblibayan siya issan inmayana nakikanan.He felt extreme stomach pain when he went to eat (in a feast). illness
libilibTo rub.Ilibilibmo ay gawis ta makaan nan logitna.Rub well so its dirt will be removed.7.7.5Rub
liblibTo go around something, as fields.Ililiblibmo nan danem ta adim sagiden nan pagey.Go around the field so you won't touch the palay. past, over, through
liblibanKind of large rice wine jar5. wine jars
liblibooWhite of eye.
libloBook.Kalibloliblo nan inidyada id oskilaanda.They gave many books to their school.3.6.2School
libo1Thousand.Kalibolibo nan nakikan isnan kasal id kob-a.Thousands ate in the wedding yesterday. numbers
libo2A sap used to "glaze" holed pots and others.Libowam nan kandIlo.ta adi mendagas.Put a sap on the pot so it will not leak.1.5.5Parts of a plant
libonMeat one gets when there is a senga.Nakilibon si alapona ay lalaki isnan ninsenga.His grandfather went to get a share of meat where they performed the senga., sacrificecfsenga
liboo1Clouds. men- To become cloudy.Menliliboo id wani ay kaneg adi mangagew.It is cloudy now as though the sun won't shine.
libot1The time of the wange.2The fires and torches in cemeteries on All Saints Day.Menlibotda id wani id camposanto.Today they fire their torches in the cemetery.
lidabTo look askance.SagLidabana pay laeng sak-en ay kaneg ngan di basolko.He looked at me in askance as though I did something wrong.
lidani- To lie down and roll over.Menlidlidlidanda isnan kad-an di logam.They keep lying down and rolling over where there is grass.7.1.3Lie downcfoverpolag1
lidingHandle, such as the piece of vine tied in a piece of meat.Linidingana nan deyday bingit ay maiwalas.He put a handle on those bingit that are to be distributed.6.7.8Parts of tools
lidlidTo twist thread or make rolls of clay between the palms.Ilidlilidlidna nan ay-ayamna ay kolayeng isnan adpana.He keeps rolling between his palms the clay he is playing with.
ligakma--an To over sleep, get up late.Naligakanak issan wakgat tay naladawak ay naseyep.I woke up late this morning for I slept late.5.7.3Wake upcflaog
ligaloGift.Linigalowana sak-en is bado.He gave me a dress as a gift.
ligaoWinnowing basket.Ililigaona nan diket ay lakona.He put on a winnowing basket the glutinous cake he is selling.Ligao nan osalenda ay mentaep.They use a winnowing basket to chaff off the rice. rice
ligasTo turn any object slightly.Ligasem nan tangeb nan botelya.Turn the cover of the bottle.7.3Move something
ligat1na- Difficult.Naligat nan biyag id wani.Life this time is difficult.antlaka 16.1.3Difficult, impossible2men- Hardship.Pilmi nan ligat id wani.Now is the time of extreme harship.3.4.2Feel bad